This section is for Boot Orchestration Service (BOS) v1 only. BOS v2 does not use Boot Orchestration Agent (BOA) jobs and does not require cleanup.
Delete log entries from previous boot orchestration jobs. BOS launches a BOA Kubernetes job. BOA then launches a Configuration Framework Service (CFS) session, resulting in a CFS-BOA Kubernetes job. Thus, there are two separate sets of jobs that can be removed.
Deleting log entries creates more space and helps improve the usability of viewing logs.
List the current BOA jobs.
ncn-mw# kubectl get jobs -n services | grep boa
Example output:
boa-2c2211aa-9876-4aa7-92e2-c8a64d9bd9a6 1/1 6m58s 13d
boa-51918dbd-bde2-4836-9500-2a7bad93787c 1/1 65s 9d
boa-6fc198cc-486b-4340-81e0-f17c199a1ec6 1/1 97s 9d
boa-8656f64d-baa9-43ea-9e11-2a0b27e89037 1/1 17m 13d
boa-86b78489-1d76-4957-9c0e-a7b1d6665c35 1/1 15m 13d
boa-a939bd32-9d27-433f-afc2-735e77ec8e58 1/1 13m 13d
boa-e9adfa63-24dc-4da6-b870-b3535adf0bcc 1/1 7m53s 13d
Delete any jobs that are no longer needed.
Do not delete any jobs that are currently running.
ncn-mw# kubectl delete jobs BOA_JOB_ID