Use this topic to guide troubleshooting of User Access Node (UAN) boot issues.
The Boot Orchestration Service (BOS) boots UANs. BOS uses session templates to define various parameters such as:
UAN boots are performed in three phases:
of the chosen UAN image to boot.initrd
(dracut) image which configures the UAN for booting the UAN image. This process consists of two phases:
mounting and make that image available to the UANs.rootfs
.Most failures to PXE are the result of misconfigured network switches and/or BIOS settings. The UAN must PXE boot over the Node Management Network (NMN) and the switches must be configured to allow connectivity to the NMN. The cable for the NMN must be connected to the first port of the OCP card,on HPE DL325 and DL385 nodes, or to the first port of the built-in LAN-On-Motherboard (LOM), on Gigabyte nodes.
(dracut) issuesFailures in dracut are often caused by the wrong interface being named nmn0
, or by having multiple entries for the UAN component name (xname) in DNS. The latter is a result of
multiple interfaces making DHCP requests. Either condition can cause IP address mismatches in the dvs_node_map
. DNS configures entries based on DHCP leases.
When dracut starts, it renames the network device named by the ifmap=netX:nmn0
kernel parameter to nmn0
. This interface is the only one dracut will enable DHCP on.
The ip=nmn0:dhcp
kernel parameter limits dracut to DHCP only nmn0
. The ifmap
value must be set correctly in the kernel_parameters
field of the BOS session template.
For UAN nodes that have more than one PCI card installed, ifmap=net2:nmn0
is the correct setting. If only one PCI card is installed, ifmap=net0:nmn0
is normally the correct setting.
UANs require CPS and DVS to boot from images. These services are configured in dracut to retrieve the rootfs
and mount it. If the image fails to download,
check that DVS and CPS are both healthy, and that DVS is running on all worker nodes.
Run the following commands to check DVS and CPS:
ncn-mw# kubectl get nodes -l cps-pm-node=True -o custom-columns="" --no-headers
Example output:
ncn-mw# for node in `kubectl get nodes -l cps-pm-node=True -o custom-columns="" --no-headers`; do
ssh $node "lsmod | grep '^dvs '"
Example output:
If DVS and CPS are both healthy, then both of these commands will return all the worker Non-Compute Nodes (NCNs) in the HPE Cray EX system.
Once dracut exits, the UAN will boot the rootfs
image. Failures seen in this phase tend to be failures of spire-agent
, cfs-state-reporter
, or both, to start.
The cfs-state-reporter
tells CFS that the node is ready and allows CFS to start node personalization. If cfs-state-reporter
does not start, check if the spire-agent
has started.
The cfs-state-reporter
depends on the spire-agent
. Running systemctl status spire-agent
will show that that service is enabled and running if there are no issues with that service.
Similarly, running systemctl status cfs-state-reporter
will show a status of SUCCESS
Verify that the spire-agent
service is enabled and running.
uan# systemctl status spire-agent
Example output:
● spire-agent.service - SPIRE Agent
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/spire-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-02-24 14:27:33 CST; 19h ago
Main PID: 3581 (spire-agent)
Tasks: 57
CGroup: /system.slice/spire-agent.service
└─3581 /usr/bin/spire-agent run -expandEnv -config /root/spire/conf/spire-agent.conf
Verify that cfs-state-reporter
is healthy and returns SUCCESS
uan# systemctl status cfs-state-reporter
Example output:
● cfs-state-reporter.service - cfs-state-reporter reports configuration level of the system
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cfs-state-reporter.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2021-02-24 14:29:51 CST; 19h ago
Main PID: 3827 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)