Configuring the Image Management Service (IMS) to validate the GPG signatures of RPMs during IMS Build operations involves the following two steps:
Create and update IMS to use a new Kiwi-NG Image with the Signing Keys embedded.
NOTE: The default IMS Kiwi-NG Image is already configured with the signing keys needed to validate HPE and SuSE RPMs and repositories.
Update IMS Recipes to require GPG verification of RPMs, repositories, or both.
Create a temporary directory to perform the actions necessary to configure IMS to validate RPM signatures.
ncn# mkdir ims-validate
ncn# cd ims-validate/
Determine the container version for the IMS Kiwi-NG container.
ncn# kubectl -n services get cm cray-configmap-ims-v2-image-create-kiwi-ng -o yaml | grep cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder
Example output:
- image: cray/cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder:0.4.7
If successful, make note of the version of the listed container. In this case, the version is 0.4.7
Create a file containing the public portion of the Signing Key to be added to the IMS Kiwi-NG image.
ncn# cat my-signing-key.asc
Obtain a copy of the
script from cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder
ncn# podman run -it --entrypoint "" --rm cray/cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder:0.4.7 cat /scripts/ | tee
Modify the
script to pass the signing key to the kiwi-ng
ncn# cat
Example output:
# Call kiwi to build the image recipe. Note that the command line --add-bootstrap-package
# causes kiwi to install the cray-ca-cert RPM into the image root.
kiwi-ng $DEBUG_FLAGS --logfile=$PARAMETER_FILE_KIWI_LOGFILE --type tbz system build --description $RECIPE_ROOT_PARENT \
--target $IMAGE_ROOT_PARENT --add-bootstrap-package file:///mnt/ca-rpm/cray_ca_cert-1.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm \
--signing-key /signing-keys/my-signing-key.asc # <--- ADD SIGNING-KEY FILE
Create a Dockerfile
to create a new cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder
ncn# cat Dockerfile
FROM registry.local/cray/cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder:0.4.7
RUN mkdir /signing-keys
COPY my-signing-key.asc /signing-keys
COPY /scripts/
ENTRYPOINT ["/scripts/"]
NOTE: Make sure that the version of the
image in theFROM
line matches the version of the image above.
Verify that the following files are in the temporary directory.
ncn# ls
Dockerfile my-signing-key.asc
Using the podman
command, build and tag a new cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder
ncn# podman build -t registry.local/cray/cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder:0.4.7-validate .
STEP 1: FROM registry.local/cray/cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder:0.4.7
STEP 2: RUN mkdir /signing-keys
--> Using cache 5d64aadcffd3f9f8f112cca75b886cecfccbfe903d4b0d4176882f0e78ccd4d0
--> 5d64aadcffd
STEP 3: COPY my-signing-key.asc /signing-keys
--> Using cache c10ffb877529bdbe855522af93827503f76d415e2e129d171a7fc927f896095a
--> c10ffb87752
STEP 4: COPY /scripts/
--> Using cache 6e388b60f42b6cd26df65ec1798ad771bdb835267126f16aa86e90aec78b0f32
--> 6e388b60f42
STEP 5: ENTRYPOINT ["/scripts/"]
--> Using cache 46c78827eb62c66c9f42aeba12333281b073dcc80212c4547c8cc806fe5519b3
STEP 6: COMMIT registry.local/cray/cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder:0.4.7-validate
--> 46c78827eb6
Obtain Nexus credentials.
ncn# NEXUS_USERNAME="$(kubectl -n nexus get secret nexus-admin-credential --template {{.data.username}} | base64 -d)"
ncn# NEXUS_PASSWORD="$(kubectl -n nexus get secret nexus-admin-credential --template {{.data.password}} | base64 -d)"
Push the new image to the Nexus image registry.
ncn# podman push registry.local/cray/cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder:0.4.7-validate --creds="$NEXUS_USERNAME:$NEXUS_PASSWORD"
Update the IMS cray-configmap-ims-v2-image-create-kiwi-ng
ConfigMap to use this new image.
ncn# kubectl -n services edit cm cray-configmap-ims-v2-image-create-kiwi-ng
Example output:
- image: cray/cray-ims-kiwi-ng-opensuse-x86_64-builder:0.4.7-validate
NOTE: It may take several minutes for this change to take effect. Restarting IMS is not necessary.
Cleanup and remove the temporary directory
ncn# cd ..
ncn# rm -rfv ims-validate/
List the IMS recipes and determine which recipes need to be updated.
ncn# cray ims recipes list --format json
Example output:
"created": "2021-06-29T21:50:38.319526+00:00",
"id": "1aab3dbb-a654-4c84-b820-a293bd4ab2b4",
"link": {
"etag": "",
"path": "s3://ims/recipes/1aab3dbb-a654-4c84-b820-a293bd4ab2b4/my_recipe.tgz",
"type": "s3"
"linux_distribution": "sles15",
"name": "cos-2.1.51-slingshot-1.2.1",
"recipe_type": "kiwi-ng"
Download the recipe archive for any recipe that will be updated.
ncn# cray artifacts get ims recipes/1aab3dbb-a654-4c84-b820-a293bd4ab2b4/recipe.tar.gz recipe.tar.gz
Uncompress the recipe archive into a temporary directory.
ncn# mkdir -v recipe
ncn# tar xvfz recipe.tar.gz -C recipe/
ncn# cd recipe/
Modify the recipe’s config.xml
file and enable GPG validation on any repos that should be validated.
To validate each package’s GPG signature, add package_gpgcheck="true"
. To validate the repository signature,
add repository_gpgcheck="true"
<repository type="rpm-md" alias="..." priority="2" imageinclude="true" package_gpgcheck="true">
<repository type="rpm-md" alias="..." priority="2" imageinclude="true" repository_gpgcheck="true">
Create a new recipe tar file.
ncn# tar cvfz ../recipe-new.tgz .
Move to the parent directory.
ncn# cd ..
Create a new IMS recipe record.
ncn# cray ims recipes create --name "My Recipe" \
--recipe-type kiwi-ng --linux-distribution sles15
Example output:
created = "2018-12-04T17:25:52.482514+00:00"
id = "2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6"
linux_distribution = "sles15"
name = "my_recipe.tgz"
recipe_type = "kiwi-ng"
If successful, create a variable for the id
value in the returned data.
ncn# IMS_RECIPE_ID=2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6
Upload the customized recipe to S3.
It is suggested as a best practice that the S3 object name start with recipes/
and contain the IMS recipe ID to remove ambiguity.
ncn# cray artifacts create ims recipes/$IMS_RECIPE_ID/recipe.tgz recipe-new.tgz
Update the IMS recipe record with the S3 path to the recipe archive.
ncn-m001# cray ims recipes update $IMS_RECIPE_ID \
--link-type s3 \
--link-path s3://ims/recipes/$IMS_RECIPE_ID/recipe.tgz
Example output:
id = "2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6"
recipe_type = "kiwi-ng"
linux_distribution = "sles15"
name = "my_recipe.tgz"
created = "2020-02-05T19:24:22.621448+00:00"
path = "s3://ims/recipes/2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6/my_recipe.tgz"
etag = ""
type = "s3"
Cleanup and remove the temporary directory.
ncn# cd ..
ncn# rm -rf recipe/