Configure kubectl Credentials to Access the Kubernetes APIs

The credentials for kubectl are located in the admin configuration file on all non-compute node (NCN) master and worker nodes. They can be found at /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf for the root user. Use kubectl to access the Kubernetes cluster from a device outside the cluster.

For more information, refer to the Kubernetes home page.


This procedure requires administrative privileges and assumes that the device being used has:

  • kubectl is installed
  • Access to the site admin network


  1. Access the credentials file used by kubectl at /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf on any one of the master or worker NCNs.

    If copying this file to another system, be sure to set the environmental variable KUBECONFIG to the new location on that system.

  2. Verify access by executing the following command:

    ncn# kubectl get nodes

    Successful output will resemble the following:

    NAME       STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
    ncn-m001   Ready    control-plane,master   27h   v1.20.13
    ncn-m002   Ready    control-plane,master   8d    v1.20.13
    ncn-m003   Ready    control-plane,master   8d    v1.20.13
    ncn-w001   Ready    <none>                 8d    v1.20.13
    ncn-w002   Ready    <none>                 8d    v1.20.13
    ncn-w003   Ready    <none>                 8d    v1.20.13