Restore Postgres

Below are the service-specific steps required to restore data to a Postgres cluster.

Restore Postgres procedures by service:

Restore Postgres for Keycloak

In the event that the Keycloak Postgres cluster must be rebuilt and the data restored, then the following procedures are recommended.

Restore Postgres for Keycloak: Prerequisites

  • A dump of the database exists.
  • The Cray command line interface (CLI) tool is initialized and configured on the system.

Restore Postgres for Keycloak: Procedure

  1. Copy the database dump to an accessible location.

    • If a manual dump of the database was taken, then check that the dump file exists in a location off the Postgres cluster. It will be needed in the steps below.
    • If the database is being automatically backed up, then the most recent version of the dump and the secrets should exist in the postgres-backup S3 bucket. These will be needed in the steps below. List the files in the postgres-backup S3 bucket and if the files exist, download the dump and secrets out of the S3 bucket. The cray artifacts CLI can be used list and download the files. Note that the .psql file contains the database dump and the .manifest file contains the secrets.
    1. Setup the CRAY_CREDENTIALS environment variable to permit simple CLI operations needed while restoring the Keycloak database. See Authenticate an Account with the Command Line.

    2. List the available backups.

      ncn-mw# cray artifacts list postgres-backup --format json | jq -r '.artifacts[].Key | select(contains("keycloak"))'

      Example output:

    3. Set the environment variables to the name of the backup files.

      In order to avoid a kubectl cp bug, the dump file will be downloaded with a slightly altered name (: characters replaced with - characters).

      ncn-mw# MANIFEST=keycloak-postgres-2022-09-14T02:10:05.manifest
      ncn-mw# DUMPFILE_SRC=keycloak-postgres-2022-09-14T02:10:05.psql
      ncn-mw# DUMPFILE=${DUMPFILE_SRC//:/-}
    4. Download the backup files.

      ncn-mw# cray artifacts get postgres-backup "${DUMPFILE_SRC}" "${DUMPFILE}"
      ncn-mw# cray artifacts get postgres-backup "${MANIFEST}" "${MANIFEST}"
    5. Unset the CRAY_CREDENTIALS environment variable:

      rm /tmp/setup-token.json
  2. Set helper variables.

    ncn-mw# CLIENT=cray-keycloak
    ncn-mw# NAMESPACE=services
    ncn-mw# POSTGRESQL=keycloak-postgres
  3. Scale the Keycloak service to 0.

    ncn-mw# kubectl scale statefulset "${CLIENT}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" --replicas=0
  4. Wait for the pods to terminate.

    ncn-mw# while kubectl get pods -n "${NAMESPACE}" -l"${CLIENT}" | grep -qv NAME ; do
                echo "  waiting for pods to terminate"; sleep 2
  5. Delete the Keycloak Postgres cluster.

    ncn-mw# kubectl get postgresql "${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -o json | jq 'del(.spec.selector)' |
                jq 'del(.spec.template.metadata.labels."controller-uid")' | jq 'del(.status)' > postgres-cr.json
    ncn-mw# kubectl delete -f postgres-cr.json
  6. Wait for the pods to terminate.

    ncn-mw# while kubectl get pods -l "application=spilo,cluster-name=${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" | grep -qv NAME ; do
                echo "  waiting for pods to terminate"; sleep 2
  7. Create a new single instance Keycloak Postgres cluster.

    ncn-mw# cp postgres-cr.json postgres-orig-cr.json
    ncn-mw# jq '.spec.numberOfInstances = 1' postgres-orig-cr.json > postgres-cr.json
    ncn-mw# kubectl create -f postgres-cr.json
  8. Wait for the pod to start.

    ncn-mw# while ! kubectl get pods -l "application=spilo,cluster-name=${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" | grep -qv NAME ; do
                echo "  waiting for pod to start"; sleep 2
  9. Wait for the Postgres cluster to start running.

    ncn-mw# while [ $(kubectl get postgresql "${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -o json | jq -r '.status.PostgresClusterStatus') != "Running" ]
                echo "  waiting for postgresql to start running"; sleep 2
  10. Copy the database dump file to the Postgres member.

    ncn-mw# kubectl cp "./${DUMPFILE}" "${POSTGRESQL}-0:/home/postgres/${DUMPFILE}" -c postgres -n "${NAMESPACE}"
  11. Restore the data.

    ncn-mw# kubectl exec "${POSTGRESQL}-0" -c postgres -n "${NAMESPACE}" -it -- psql -U postgres < "${DUMPFILE}"

    Errors such as ... already exists can be ignored; the restore can be considered successful when it completes.

  12. Either update or re-create the keycloak-postgres secrets.

    • Update the secrets in Postgres.

      If a manual dump was done, and the secrets were not saved, then the secrets in the newly created Postgres cluster will need to be updated.

      1. From the three keycloak-postgres secrets, collect the password for each Postgres username: postgres, service_account, and standby.

        ncn-mw# for secret in postgres.keycloak-postgres.credentials service-account.keycloak-postgres.credentials \
                    echo -n "secret ${secret} username & password: "
                    echo -n "`kubectl get secret "${secret}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -ojsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 -d` "
                    echo `kubectl get secret "${secret}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -ojsonpath='{.data.password}'| base64 -d`

        Example output:

        secret postgres.keycloak-postgres.credentials username & password: postgres ABCXYZ
        secret service-account.keycloak-postgres.credentials username & password: service_account ABC123
        secret standby.keycloak-postgres.credentials username & password: standby 123456
      2. kubectl exec into the Postgres pod.

        ncn-mw# kubectl exec "${POSTGRESQL}-0" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -c postgres -it -- bash
      3. Open a Postgres console.

        pod# /usr/bin/psql postgres postgres
      4. Update the password for each user to match the values found in the secrets.

        1. Update the password for the postgres user.

          postgres# ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'ABCXYZ';

          Example of successful output:

          ALTER ROLE
        2. Update the password for the service_account user.

          postgres# ALTER USER service_account WITH PASSWORD 'ABC123';

          Example of successful output:

          ALTER ROLE
        3. Update the password for the standby user.

          postgres# ALTER USER standby WITH PASSWORD '123456';

          Example of successful output:

          ALTER ROLE
      5. Exit the Postgres console with the \q command.

      6. Exit the Postgres pod with the exit command.

    • Re-create secrets in Kubernetes.

      If the Postgres secrets were automatically backed up, then re-create the secrets in Kubernetes.

      Delete and re-create the three keycloak-postgres secrets using the manifest that was copied from S3 earlier.

      ncn-mw# kubectl delete secret postgres.keycloak-postgres.credentials \
                  service-account.keycloak-postgres.credentials standby.keycloak-postgres.credentials -n "${NAMESPACE}"
      ncn-mw# kubectl apply -f "${MANIFEST}"
  13. Restart the Postgres cluster.

    ncn-mw# kubectl delete pod -n "${NAMESPACE}" "${POSTGRESQL}-0"
  14. Wait for the postgresql pod to start.

    ncn-mw# while ! kubectl get pods -l "application=spilo,cluster-name=${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" | grep -qv NAME ; do
                echo "  waiting for pods to start"; sleep 2
  15. Scale the Postgres cluster back to 3 instances.

    ncn-mw# kubectl patch postgresql "${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" --type='json' \
                -p='[{"op" : "replace", "path":"/spec/numberOfInstances", "value" : 3}]'
  16. Wait for the postgresql cluster to start running.

    This may take a few minutes to complete.

    ncn-mw# while [ $(kubectl get postgresql "${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -o json | jq -r '.status.PostgresClusterStatus') != "Running" ]
                echo "  waiting for postgresql to start running"; sleep 2
  17. Scale the Keycloak service back to 3 replicas.

    ncn-mw# kubectl scale statefulset "${CLIENT}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" --replicas=3
  18. Wait for the Keycloak pods to start.

    ncn-mw# while [ $(kubectl get pods -n "${NAMESPACE}" -l"${CLIENT}" | grep -cv NAME) != 3 ]
                echo "  waiting for pods to start"; sleep 2
  19. Wait for all Keycloak pods to be ready.

    If there are pods that do not show that both containers are ready (READY is 2/2), then wait a few seconds and re-run the command until all containers are ready.

    ncn-mw# kubectl get pods -n "${NAMESPACE}" -l"${CLIENT}"

    Example output:

    NAME              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cray-keycloak-0   2/2     Running   0          35s
    cray-keycloak-1   2/2     Running   0          35s
    cray-keycloak-2   2/2     Running   0          35s
  20. Run the keycloak-setup job to restore the Kubernetes client secrets.

    1. Run the job.

      ncn-mw# kubectl get job -n "${NAMESPACE}" -l -o json > keycloak-setup.json
      ncn-mw# cat keycloak-setup.json | jq '.items[0]' | jq 'del(.metadata.creationTimestamp)' |
                  jq 'del(.metadata.managedFields)' | jq 'del(.metadata.resourceVersion)' |
                  jq 'del(.metadata.selfLink)' | jq 'del(.metadata.uid)' | jq 'del(.spec.selector)' |
                  jq 'del(.spec.template.metadata.labels)' | jq 'del(.status)' | kubectl replace --force -f -
    2. Wait for job to complete.

      Check the status of the keycloak-setup job. If the COMPLETIONS value is not 1/1, then wait a few seconds and run the command again until the COMPLETIONS value is 1/1.

      ncn-mw# kubectl get jobs -n "${NAMESPACE}" -l

      Example output:

      NAME               COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
      keycloak-setup-2   1/1           59s        91s
  21. Run the keycloak-users-localize job to restore the users and groups in S3 and the Kubernetes ConfigMap.

    1. Run the job.

      ncn-mw# kubectl get job -n "${NAMESPACE}" -l \
                  -o json > cray-keycloak-users-localize.json
      ncn-mw# cat cray-keycloak-users-localize.json | jq '.items[0]' | jq 'del(.metadata.creationTimestamp)' |
                  jq 'del(.metadata.managedFields)' | jq 'del(.metadata.resourceVersion)' |
                  jq 'del(.metadata.selfLink)' | jq 'del(.metadata.uid)' | jq 'del(.spec.selector)' |
                  jq 'del(.spec.template.metadata.labels)' | jq 'del(.status)' | kubectl replace --force -f -
    2. Wait for the job to complete.

      Check the status of the cray-keycloak-users-localize job. If the COMPLETIONS value is not 1/1, then wait a few minutes and run the command again until the COMPLETIONS value is 1/1.

      ncn-mw# kubectl get jobs -n "${NAMESPACE}" -l

      Example output:

      NAME                        COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
      keycloak-users-localize-2   1/1           45s        49s
  22. Restart the ingress oauth2-proxies.

    1. Issue the restarts.

      ncn-mw# kubectl rollout restart -n "${NAMESPACE}" deployment/cray-oauth2-proxies-customer-access-ingress &&
              kubectl rollout restart -n "${NAMESPACE}" deployment/cray-oauth2-proxies-customer-high-speed-ingress &&
              kubectl rollout restart -n "${NAMESPACE}" deployment/cray-oauth2-proxies-customer-management-ingress
    2. Wait for the restarts to complete.

      ncn-mw# kubectl rollout status -n "${NAMESPACE}" deployment/cray-oauth2-proxies-customer-access-ingress &&
              kubectl rollout status -n "${NAMESPACE}" deployment/cray-oauth2-proxies-customer-high-speed-ingress &&
              kubectl rollout status -n "${NAMESPACE}" deployment/cray-oauth2-proxies-customer-management-ingress
  23. Verify that the service is working.

    The following should return an access_token for an existing user. Replace the <username> and <password> as appropriate.

    ncn-mw# curl -s -k -d grant_type=password -d client_id=shasta -d username=<username> -d password=<password> \

Restore Postgres for VCS

In the event that the VCS Postgres cluster must be rebuilt and the data restored, then the following procedures are recommended.

Restore Postgres for VCS: Prerequisites

  • A dump of the database exists.
  • A backup of the VCS PVC exists.
  • The Cray command line interface (CLI) tool is initialized and configured on the system.

Restore Postgres for VCS: Procedure

  1. Copy the database dump to an accessible location.

    • If a manual dump of the database was taken, then check that the dump file exists in a location off the Postgres cluster. It will be needed in the steps below.
    • If the database is being automatically backed up, then the most recent version of the dump and the secrets should exist in the postgres-backup S3 bucket. These will be needed in the steps below. List the files in the postgres-backup S3 bucket and if the files exist, download the dump and secrets out of the S3 bucket. The cray artifacts CLI can be used list and download the files. Note that the .psql file contains the database dump and the .manifest file contains the secrets.
    1. List the available backups.

      ncn-mw# cray artifacts list postgres-backup --format json | jq -r '.artifacts[].Key | select(contains("vcs"))'

      Example output:

    2. Set the environment variables to the name of the backup files.

      In order to avoid a kubectl cp bug, the dump file will be downloaded with a slightly altered name (: characters replaced with - characters).

      ncn-mw# MANIFEST=gitea-vcs-postgres-2022-09-14T01:10:04.manifest
      ncn-mw# DUMPFILE_SRC=gitea-vcs-postgres-2022-09-14T01:10:04.psql
      ncn-mw# DUMPFILE=${DUMPFILE_SRC//:/-}
    3. Download the backup files.

      ncn-mw# cray artifacts get postgres-backup "${DUMPFILE_SRC}" "${DUMPFILE}"
      ncn-mw# cray artifacts get postgres-backup "${MANIFEST}" "${MANIFEST}"
  2. Set helper variables.

    ncn-mw# SERVICE=gitea-vcs
    ncn-mw# SERVICELABEL=vcs
    ncn-mw# NAMESPACE=services
    ncn-mw# POSTGRESQL=gitea-vcs-postgres
  3. Scale the VCS service to 0.

    ncn-mw# kubectl scale deployment ${SERVICE} -n "${NAMESPACE}" --replicas=0
  4. Wait for the pods to terminate.

    ncn-mw# while kubectl get pods -n "${NAMESPACE}" -l"${SERVICELABEL}" | grep -qv NAME ; do
                echo "  waiting for pods to terminate"; sleep 2
  5. Delete the VCS Postgres cluster.

    ncn-mw# kubectl get postgresql "${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -o json | jq 'del(.spec.selector)' |
                jq 'del(.spec.template.metadata.labels."controller-uid")' | jq 'del(.status)' > postgres-cr.json
    ncn-mw# kubectl delete -f postgres-cr.json
  6. Wait for the pods to terminate.

    ncn-mw# while kubectl get pods -l "application=spilo,cluster-name=${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" | grep -qv NAME ; do
                echo "  waiting for pods to terminate"; sleep 2
  7. Create a new single instance VCS Postgres cluster.

    ncn-mw# cp postgres-cr.json postgres-orig-cr.json
    ncn-mw# jq '.spec.numberOfInstances = 1' postgres-orig-cr.json > postgres-cr.json
    ncn-mw# kubectl create -f postgres-cr.json
  8. Wait for the pod to start.

    ncn-mw# while ! kubectl get pods -l "application=spilo,cluster-name=${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" | grep -qv NAME ; do
                echo "  waiting for pod to start"; sleep 2
  9. Wait for the Postgres cluster to start running.

    ncn-mw# while [ $(kubectl get postgresql "${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -o json | jq -r '.status.PostgresClusterStatus') != "Running" ]
                echo "  waiting for postgresql to start running"; sleep 2
  10. Copy the database dump file to the Postgres member.

    ncn-mw# kubectl cp "./${DUMPFILE}" "${POSTGRESQL}-0:/home/postgres/${DUMPFILE}" -c postgres -n services
  11. Restore the data.

    ncn-mw# kubectl exec "${POSTGRESQL}-0" -c postgres -n services -it -- psql -U postgres < "${DUMPFILE}"

    Errors such as ... already exists can be ignored; the restore can be considered successful when it completes.

  12. Either update or re-create the gitea-vcs-postgres secrets.

    • Update the secrets in Postgres.

      If a manual dump was done, and the secrets were not saved, then the secrets in the newly created Postgres cluster will need to be updated.

      1. From the three gitea-vcs-postgres secrets, collect the password for each Postgres username: postgres, service_account, and standby.

        ncn-mw# for secret in postgres.gitea-vcs-postgres.credentials service-account.gitea-vcs-postgres.credentials \
                    echo -n "secret ${secret} username & password: "
                    echo -n "`kubectl get secret "${secret}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -ojsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 -d` "
                    echo `kubectl get secret "${secret}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -ojsonpath='{.data.password}'| base64 -d`

        Example output:

        secret postgres.gitea-vcs-postgres.credentials username & password: postgres ABCXYZ
        secret service-account.gitea-vcs-postgres.credentials username & password: service_account ABC123
        secret standby.gitea-vcs-postgres.credentials username & password: standby 123456
      2. kubectl exec into the Postgres pod.

        ncn-mw# kubectl exec "${POSTGRESQL}-0" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -c postgres -it -- bash
      3. Open a Postgres console.

        pod# /usr/bin/psql postgres postgres
      4. Update the password for each user to match the values found in the secrets.

        1. Update the password for the postgres user.

          postgres# ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'ABCXYZ';

          Example of successful output:

          ALTER ROLE
        2. Update the password for the service_account user.

          postgres# ALTER USER service_account WITH PASSWORD 'ABC123';

          Example of successful output:

          ALTER ROLE
        3. Update the password for the standby user.

          postgres# ALTER USER standby WITH PASSWORD '123456';

          Example of successful output:

          ALTER ROLE
      5. Exit the Postgres console with the \q command.

      6. Exit the Postgres pod with the exit command.

    • Re-create secrets in Kubernetes.

      If the Postgres secrets were auto-backed up, then re-create the secrets in Kubernetes.

      Delete and re-create the three gitea-vcs-postgres secrets using the manifest that was copied from S3 earlier.

      ncn-mw# kubectl delete secret postgres.gitea-vcs-postgres.credentials \
                  service-account.gitea-vcs-postgres.credentials standby.gitea-vcs-postgres.credentials -n services
      ncn-mw# kubectl apply -f "${MANIFEST}"
  13. Restart the Postgres cluster.

    ncn-mw# kubectl delete pod -n "${NAMESPACE}" "${POSTGRESQL}-0"
  14. Wait for the postgresql pod to start.

    ncn-mw# while ! kubectl get pods -l "application=spilo,cluster-name=${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" | grep -qv NAME ; do
                echo "  waiting for pods to start"; sleep 2
  15. Scale the Postgres cluster back to 3 instances.

    ncn-mw# kubectl patch postgresql "${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" --type='json' \
                -p='[{"op" : "replace", "path":"/spec/numberOfInstances", "value" : 3}]'
  16. Wait for the postgresql cluster to start running.

    ncn-mw# while [ $(kubectl get postgresql "${POSTGRESQL}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -o json | jq -r '.status.PostgresClusterStatus') != "Running" ]
                echo "  waiting for postgresql to start running"; sleep 2
  17. Scale the Gitea service back up.

    ncn-mw# kubectl scale deployment ${SERVICE} -n "${NAMESPACE}" --replicas=1
  18. Wait for the Gitea pods to start.

    ncn-mw# while ! kubectl get pods -n "${NAMESPACE}" -l"${SERVICELABEL}" | grep -qv NAME ; do
                echo "  waiting for pods to start"; sleep 2