IEEE 802.1X is an IEEE standard for port-based network access control (PNAC). This standard provides an authentication mechanism to devices wishing to attach to a LAN or WLAN. IEEE 802.1X defines the encapsulation of the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) over IEEE 802, which is known as EAP over LAN (EAPOL).
NOTE: Port security is a feature of “edge” switches such as 63/6400, and it is not available on 83xx.
Enter 802.1X authenticator context:
switch(config)# aaa authentication port-access dot1x authenticator
Enable 802.1X authentication:
switch(config-dot1x-auth)# enable
Configure 802.1X authentication method:
switch(config-dot1x-auth)# chap-radius|eap-radius
Configure RADIUS server group for 802.1X:
switch(config-dot1x-auth)# radius server-group NAME
Enter 802.1X authenticator context on a port:
switch(config-if)# aaa authentication port-access dot1x
Enable 802.1X authentication on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# enable
Enable cached re-authentication on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# cached-reauth
Configure cached re-authentication period on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# cached-reauth-period VALUE
Configure maximum authentication attempts on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# max-retries VALUE
Configure quiet period on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# quiet-period VALUE
Enable periodic re-authentication on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# reauth
Configure re-authentication period on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# reauth-period VALUE
Configure discovery period on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# discovery-period VALUE
Configure EAPOL timeout on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# eapol-timeout VALUE
Configure maximum EAPOL requests on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# max-eapol-requests VALUE
Configure force authorized on a port:
switch(config-if-dot1x-auth)# authorized
Show commands to validate functionality: :
switch# show aaa authentication port-access dot1x authenticator interface <IFACE|all> <port-statistics|client-status> [mac MAC-ADDR]
Expected outcomes following configuration: