For most switches, the local-priority has eight levels (0-7). Zero is the lowest priority. The allowed maximum will vary per product family. Local priority is used to determine which queue a packet will use. There are multiple options to configure the local-priority:
qos cos-map
: Maps Class of Services (CoS) values from VLAN tags in incoming packets to specific local prioritiesqos dscp-map
: Maps the DSCP from incoming packets to specific local prioritiesqos trust
: Assumes incoming packets are marked correctly, and takes the local-priority from either the CoS or Differentiated Service Code-Points (DSCP) field of the packet, or ignores any values set on incoming packets and places the packets into the default local-priority queue if the none option is givenMap incoming 802.1p values to a local priority:
switch(config)# qos cos-map <0-7> local-priority VALUE [color COLOR] [name NAME]
Map incoming DSCP to a local priority:
switch(config)# qos dscp-map <0-63> local-priority VALUE [color COLOR] [name NAME]
Configure QoS trust:
switch(config)# qos trust [none|cos|dscp]
switch(config-if)# qos trust [none|cos|dscp]
Show commands to validate functionality:
switch# show qos [cos-map|dscp-map|trust]
commands is correctswitch(config)# qos dscp-map 46 local-priority 7 color green name VOICE
switch # show qos cos-map
code_point local_priority color name
---------- -------------- ------- ----
0 1 green Best_Effort
1 0 green Background
2 2 green Excellent_Effort
3 3 green Critical_Applications
4 4 green Video
5 5 green Voice
6 6 green Internetwork_Control
7 7 green Network_Control