Untagged ingress packets are destined to the native VLAN. An interface can be configured in one of two native modes - Native-Untagged or Native-Tagged. A native-untagged port accepts any untagged or tagged (with native VLAN ID) traffic on ingress. Packets that egress on a native-untagged port in the native VLAN will not have an 802.1Q header. A native-tagged port accepts only tagged traffic (with native VLAN ID) on ingress. Any untagged packet ingress on a native-tagged port is always dropped. Packets that egress on a native-tagged port in the native VLAN will always have an 802.1Q header.
Configure a VLAN as native:
switch(config-if)# vlan trunk native VLAN
Show commands to validate functionality:
switch# show vlan [VLAN]
switch(config)# vlan 100
switch(config-vlan-100)# no shutdown
switch(config-vlan-100)# end
switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# no shutdown
switch(config-if)# no routing
switch(config-if)# vlan trunk native 100
switch(config-if)# exit
switch# show vlan
VLAN Name Status Reason Type Interfaces
1 DEFAULT_VLAN_1 down no_member_port default
100 VLAN100 up ok static 1/1/1