NCN tcpdump

Running a packet capture

If a host is not getting an IP address, then run a packet capture to see if DHCP traffic is being transmitted.

This example will look for DHCP traffic on interface bond0.nmn0. It will collect all DHCP traffic on ports 67 and 68, and write the output to a file named dhcp.pcap in the current directory.

ncn-mw# tcpdump -w dhcp.pcap -envli bond0.nmn0 port 67 or port 68

View traffic captured to a file

To view previously captured traffic from a generated file:

This example uses the file generated from the Running a packet capture example.

ncn-mw# tcpdump -r dhcp.pcap -v -n

Filter packet capture output

Use filters to sort the output if it is very long.

To do a tcpdump for a specific MAC address:

This example uses the MAC address of b4:2e:99:3b:70:30, and shows the output on the terminal rather than saving it to a file.

ncn-mw# tcpdump -i eth0 -vvv -s 1500 '((port 67 or port 68) and (udp[38:4] = 0x993b7030))'

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