Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) minimizes the number and complexity of management functions. For monitoring and control, it is extensible to accommodate additional, possibly unanticipated aspects of network operation and management. SNMP is universal and independent of the architecture and mechanisms of particular hosts or particular gateways. SNMP server is supported either on the default or mgmt VRF.
Enable SNMP agent:
switch(config)# snmp-server vrf VRF
Configure the port to which the SNMP agent is bound:
switch(config)# snmp-server agent-port PORT
Configure an SNMPv2c community name:
switch(config)# snmp-server community NAME
Configure a SNMPv2c trap receiver host:
switch(config)# snmp-server host IP-ADDR <trap|inform> version v2c [community NAME]
Show commands to validate functionality:
switch# show snmp [agent-port|community|trap|vrf] [vsx-peer]
switch(config)# snmp-server vrf default
switch(config)# snmp-server agent-port 10601
switch(config)# snmp-server community public
switch(config)# snmp-server host trap version v2c community public
switch(config)# snmp-server host inform version v2c community public
switch(config)# end
switch# show snmp community
SNMP communities
switch# show snmp vrf
SNMP enabled VRF
switch# show snmp agent-port
SNMP agent port : 10601
switch# show snmp trap
Host Port Type Version SecName vrf
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 162 trap v2c public default 162 inform v2c public default
commands is correct