SNMPv3 supports cryptographic security through a combination of authenticating and encrypting the SNMP protocol packets over the network. Read-only access is currently supported. The admin user can add or remove SNMPv3 users.
Configure a new SNMPv3 user (minimum eight characters for passwords):
switch(config)# snmpv3 user <USER> auth md5 auth-pass <A-PSWD> priv aes priv-pass <P-PSWD>
Remove an SNMPv3 user:
switch(config)# no snmpv3 user <USER>
Show commands to validate functionality:
switch# show snmpv3 users
switch(config)# snmp-server community public
switch(config)# snmpv3 context public vrf default community public
switch(config)# show snmpv3 context
Name vrf Community
public mgmt. public
switch(config)# show snmp vrf
SNMP enabled VRF
switch(config)# show snmpv3 users
User AuthMode PrivMode Context Enabled
Snmpv3user md5 aes none True