Aruba’s Virtual Switching Extension (VSX) is a solution that integrates two independent ArubaOS-CX switches into an active/active virtualized high availability (HA) solution. The two switch peers utilize a connected link for control and data. This solution allows the switches to present as one virtualized switch in critical areas.
Configuration synchronization is one aspect of this VSX solution where the primary switch configuration is synced to the secondary switch. This allows for pseudo-single pane of glass configuration and helps keep key configuration pieces in sync as operational changes are made. Since the solution is primarily for HA, it is expected that the vast majority of configuration policy is the same across both peers.
Enable VSX:
switch(config)# vsx
Give the device a role of primary or secondary:
switch(config-vsx)# role <primary|secondary>
Configure the VSX keepalive between the two VSX peer switches:
switch(config-vsx)# keepalive peer PEER-IP source SRC-IP
Select a physical or LAG interface to become the inter-switch-link:
switch(config-vsx)# inter-switch-link IFACE
Create Multi-Chassis LAG interfaces:
switch(config)# interface lag LAG multi-chassis
Associate the physical interfaces with the LAG:
switch(config-if)# lag LAG
Synchronize global configurations:
switch(config-vsx)# vsx-sync [aaa] [sflow] [snmp] [static-routes] [time] [copp-policy] [dns]
[mclag-interfaces] [qos-global] [ssh]
Synchronize interface memberships
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync [access-lists] [policies] [qos] [vlans] [rate-limits]
Synchronize VLAN interface memberships
switch(config-if-vlan)# vsx-sync [active-gateways] [policies]
Synchronize feature configurations
switch(config-vlan)# vsx-sync
switch(config-acl-ip)# vsx-sync
switch(config-class-ip)# vsx-sync
switch(config-policy)# vsx-sync
switch(config-pbr-action-list)# vsx-sync
switch(config-schedule)# vsx-sync
switch(config-queue)# vsx-sync
switch(config-portgroup)# vsx-sync
switch(config-addrgroup)# vsx-sync
Show commands to validate functionality:
switch# show vsx <brief|configuration|status> [config-sync]
switch(config)# int 1/1/49
switch(config-if)# description VSX KEEPALIVE LINK
switch(config-if)# no shut
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# ex
switch(config)# conf
switch(config)# int lag 128
switch(config-lag-if)# description VSX INTER-SWITCH-LINK
switch(config-lag-if)# lacp mode active
switch(config-lag-if)# no shut
switch(config-lag-if)# no routing
switch(config-lag-if)# vlan trunk allowed all
switch(config-lag-if)# exit
switch(config)# int 1/1/50
switch(config-if)# no shut
switch(config-if)# lag 128
switch(config-if)# ex
switch(config)# vsx
switch(config-vsx)# role primary
switch(config-vsx)# keepalive peer source
switch(config-vsx)# inter-switch-link lag 128
switch(config-vsx)# exit
switch(config)# show run int 1/1/49
interface 1/1/49
no shutdown
ip address
switch(config)# show run int lag128
interface lag 128
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1 tag
vlan trunk allowed all
lacp mode active
switch(config)# show vsx status
VSX Operational State
Software Version
Device Role
X86-64 X86-64
Virtual.10.01.0001G Virtual.10.01.0001G
primary secondary
switch(config-if)# int lag 1 multi-chassis
switch(config-lag-if)# no routing
switch(config-lag-if)# vlan trunk allowed all
switch(config-lag-if)# no shut
switch(config-lag-if)# exit
switch(config)# int 1/1/11
switch(config-if)# no shut
switch(config-if)# lag 1
switch(config-if)# exit
switch(config)# show lacp interfaces
State abbreviations :
A - Active P - Passive F - Aggregable I - Individual
S - Short-timeout L - Long-timeout N - InSync O - OutofSync
C - Collecting D - Distributing
X - State m/c expired E - Default neighbor state
Actor details of all interfaces:
Intf Aggr Port Port State System-id System Aggr Forwarding
Name Id Pri Pri Key State
1/1/11 lag1(mc) 11 1 ALFNCD 98:f2:b3:68:a2:7e 65534 1 up
1/1/50 lag128 51 1 ALFNCD 98:f2:b3:68:a2:7e 65534 128 up
Partner details of all interfaces:
Intf Aggr Port Port State System-id System Aggr
Name Id Pri Pri Key
1/1/11 lag1(mc) 56 0 ALFNCD 50:65:f3:12:6d:00 27904 986
1/1/50 lag128 51 1 ALFNCD 98:f2:b3:68:c4:9a 65534 128
switch(config)# vlan 10
switch(config-vlan-10)# vsx-sync
switch(config)# access-list ip secure_mcast_sources
switch(config-acl-ip)# vsx-sync
switch(config-acl-ip)# 10 permit igmp any any
switch(config-acl-ip)# 15 comment block downstream from sourcing mcast
switch(config-acl-ip)# 20 deny any any
switch(config-acl-ip)# 30 permit any any
switch(config-acl-ip)# int 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# no shutdown
switch(config-if)# no routing
switch(config-if)# vlan access 10
switch(config-if)# apply access-list ip secure_mcast_sources
switch(config-if)# vsx-sync
switch(config-if)# end
switch# show run vsx-sync
Current vsx-sync configuration:
vlan 10
vlan 20
vlan 30
access-list ip secure_mcast_sources
10 comment allow igmp traffic from downstream
10 permit igmp any any
15 comment block downstream from sourcing mcast
20 deny any any
30 permit any any any