Enabling Customer High Speed Network Routing


  • Many of the procedures use the Cray Command Line Interface. These can be identified by their use of the cray command. For these procedures, the Cray CLI must be configured on the node where the procedure is being followed. See Configure the Cray CLI.
  • Some of the procedures require the CSM documentation RPM to be installed on the node where the procedure is being done. This is called out in the procedures where it is a requirement. For information on installing the RPM, see Check for Latest Documentation.

Configuration tasks

Configure SLS

Configuration for the default route of a BICAN enabled system is contained in the System Layout Service (SLS) BICAN data structure in the SystemDefaultRoute attribute value. This structure was created and its value set during Prerequisites Stage 0.2, and can be either CAN or CHN.

The commands in this section can be run on any master or worker NCN with the CSM documentation RPM installed. See Check for Latest Documentation.

For CSM 1.2, the recommended value for the BICAN SystemDefaultRoute is CAN. This allows continued use of UAN, UAI, and API resources over the CAN and allows a fully supported transition to CHN in a later CSM release. To update SLS with CAN as the SystemDefaultRoute:

ncn-mw# /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/bifurcated_can/bican_route.py --route CAN

Example output:

Setting SystemDefaultRoute to CAN

Preview: High Speed Network access by users to UAN, UAI, and API resources is the CHN option. This is available during the CSM 1.2 release for those who wish to forge ahead of release-supported features. To set and use the CHN in SLS, update the SystemDefaultRoute with:

ncn-mw# /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/bifurcated_can/bican_route.py --route CHN

Example output:

Setting SystemDefaultRoute to CHN

Configure UAN

During the next CFS run, the UANs will be configured to the network set in the SLS BICAN SystemDefaultRoute attribute, if the following Ansible variable is set.

uan_can_setup: yes

For more information, see the “HPE Cray User Access Node (UAN) Software Administration Guide (S-8033)” document on the HPE Support Center.

Minimize UAN downtime

UANs running before and during an upgrade to CSM 1.2 will continue running with no connectivity or local data impacts until an administrator-scheduled transition takes place. While access to currently running UANs continues during the upgrade, UAN rebuilds and reboots not supported.

The time frame over which the transition can be scheduled is quite large and the transition requires only that UAN users log out of the UAN (over the old IPv4 address) and log back in (over a new IPv4 address). The following diagram illustrates the UAN timeline before, during, and after the CSM 1.2 upgrade.

UAN Upgrade Transitions

Concretely, users on a running UAN may be transitioned from the CMN to the new CAN between the two following upgrade points:

  1. After SLS Upgrade has been completed.
  2. Before UANs are booted with new images.

Configure UAI

Newly created User Access Instances (UAI) will use the network configured as the SystemDefaultRoute in the SLS BICAN network.

Existing UAIs will continue to use the network that was set when it was created.

Configure compute nodes

Prerequisites for this task:

  • Cray Operating System, Slingshot Host Software, and Slingshot have been installed and configured.
  • Egress connection from compute nodes to site resources (e.g. license server) is required.
  • A NAT device is not in place to enable use of HSN IP addresses.
  • The CHN subnet is large enough to contain all compute nodes.

Retrieve SLS data as JSON

  1. Obtain a token.

    ncn-mw# export TOKEN=$(curl -s -k -S -d grant_type=client_credentials -d client_id=admin-client \
                                 -d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
                                 https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token | jq -r '.access_token')
  2. Create a working directory.

    ncn-mw# mkdir /root/sls_chn_ips && cd /root/sls_chn_ips
  3. Extract SLS data to a file.

    ncn-mw# curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/dumpstate | jq -S . > sls_input_file.json

Add compute IP addresses to CHN SLS data

The CSM documentation RPM must be installed on the node where this command is run. See Check for Latest Documentation.

Process the SLS file:

ncn-mw# DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.2/scripts/sls
ncn-mw# ${DOCDIR}/add_computes_to_chn.py --sls-input-file sls_input_file.json

The default output file name will be chn_with_computes_added_sls_file.json, but can be changed by using the flag --sls-output-file with the script.

Upload migrated SLS file to SLS service

If the following command does not complete successfully, check if the TOKEN environment variable is set correctly.

ncn-mw# curl --fail -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -k -L -X POST 'https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/loadstate' -F 'sls_dump=@chn_with_computes_added_sls_file.json'

Enable CFS layer

CHN network configuration of compute nodes is performed by the UAN CFS configuration layer. This procedure describes how to identify the UAN layer and add it to the compute node configuration.

  1. Determine the CFS configuration in use on the compute nodes.

    1. Identify the compute nodes.

      ncn# cray hsm state components list --role Compute --format json | jq -r '.Components[] | .ID'

      Example output:

    2. Identify CFS configuration in use on the compute nodes.

      ncn# cray cfs components describe --format toml x1000c5s1b0n1

      Example output:

      configurationStatus = "configured"
      desiredConfig = "cos-config-full-2.3-integration"
      enabled = true
      errorCount = 0
      id = "x1000c5s1b0n1"
    3. Extract the CFS configuration.

      ncn# cray cfs configurations describe cos-config-full-2.3-integration --format json | jq 'del(.lastUpdated) | del(.name)' > cos-config-full-2.3-integration.json
  2. Identify the UAN CFS configuration.

    1. Identify the UAN nodes.

      ncn# cray hsm state components list --role Application --subrole UAN --format    json | jq -r '.Components[] | .ID'

      Example output:

    2. Identify the UAN CFS configuration in use.

      ncn# cray cfs components describe --format toml x3000c0s25b0n0

      Example output:

      configurationStatus = "configured"
      desiredConfig = "chn-uan-cn"
      enabled = true
      errorCount = 0
      id = "x3000c0s25b0n0"
    3. Identify the UAN CFS configuration layer.

      ncn# cray cfs configurations describe chn-uan-cn --format json

      The resulting output should look similar to this. Installed products, versions, and commit hashes will vary.

        "lastUpdated": "2022-05-27T20:15:10Z",
        "layers": [
            "cloneUrl": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/uan-config-management.git",
            "commit": "359611be2f6893ddd0020841b73a3d4924120bb1",
            "name": "chn-uan-cn",
            "playbook": "site.yml"
        "name": "chn-uan-cn"
  3. Edit the extracted compute node configuration and add the UAN layer to it.

  4. Update the compute node CFS configuration.

    ncn# cray cfs configurations update cos-config-full-2.3-integration --file cos-config-full-2.3-integration.json --format toml

    Example output:

    lastUpdated = "2022-05-27T20:47:18Z"
    name = "cos-config-full-2.3-integration"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/   slingshot-host-software-config-management.git"
    commit = "dd428854a04a652f825a3abbbf5ae2ff9842dd55"
    name = "shs-integration"
    playbook = "shs_mellanox_install.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git"
    commit = "92ce2c9988fa092ad05b40057c3ec81af7b0af97"
    name = "csm-1.9.21"
    playbook = "site.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/cos-config-management.git"
    commit = "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7"
    name = "cos-compute-integration-2.3.75"
    playbook = "cos-compute.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/sma-config-management.git"
    commit = "2219ca094c0a2721f3bf52f5bd542d8c4794bfed"
    name = "sma-base-config"
    playbook = "sma-base-config.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/sma-config-management.git"
    commit = "2219ca094c0a2721f3bf52f5bd542d8c4794bfed"
    name = "sma-ldms-ncn"
    playbook = "sma-ldms-ncn.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/slurm-config-management.git"
    commit = "0982661002a857d743ee5b772520e47c97f63acc"
    name = "slurm master"
    playbook = "site.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/pbs-config-management.git"
    commit = "874050c9820cc0752c6424ef35295289487acccc"
    name = "pbs master"
    playbook = "site.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/analytics-config-management.git"
    commit = "d4b26b74d08e668e61a1e5ee199e1a235e9efa3b"
    name = "analytics integration"
    playbook = "site.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/cos-config-management.git"
    commit = "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7"
    name = "cos-compute-last-integration-2.3.75"
    playbook = "cos-compute-last.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/uan-config-management.git"
    commit = "359611be2f6893ddd0020841b73a3d4924120bb1"
    name = "chn-uan-cn"
    playbook = "site.yml"
  5. Check that CFS configuration of the compute node completes successfully.

    Updating the CFS configuration will cause CFS to schedule the nodes for configuration. Run the following command to verify this has occurred.

    ncn# cray cfs components describe --format toml x1000c5s1b0n1

    Example output:

    configurationStatus = "pending"
    desiredConfig = "cos-config-full-2.3-integration"
    enabled = true
    errorCount = 0
    id = "x1000c5s1b0n1"
    state = []

    configurationStatus should change from pending to configured once CFS configuration of the node is complete.

For more information on managing node with CFS, see the Configuration Management documentation.

Configure NCNs

Prerequisites for this task:

  • CSM NCN personalization has been configured.
  • Cray Operating System, Slingshot Host Software, and Slingshot have been installed and configured.
  1. Determine the CFS configuration in use on the worker nodes.

    1. Identify the worker nodes.

      ncn# cray hsm state components list --role Management --subrole Worker --format json | jq -r '.Components[] | .ID'

      Example output:

    2. Identify CFS configuration in use on the worker nodes.

      ncn# cray cfs components describe --format toml x3000c0s4b0n0

      Example output:

      configurationStatus = "configured"
      desiredConfig = "ncn-personalization"
      enabled = true
      errorCount = 0
      id = "x3000c0s4b0n0"
  2. Extract the CFS configuration.

    ncn# cray cfs configurations describe ncn-personalization --format json | jq 'del(.lastUpdated) | del(.name)' > ncn-personalization.json

    The resulting output file should look similar to this. Installed products, versions, and commit hashes will vary.

      "layers": [
          "cloneUrl": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/slingshot-host-software-config-management.git",
          "commit": "f4e2bb7e912c39fc63e87a9284d026a5bebb6314",
          "name": "shs-1.7.3-45-1.0.26",
          "playbook": "shs_mellanox_install.yml"
          "cloneUrl": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git",
          "commit": "92ce2c9988fa092ad05b40057c3ec81af7b0af97",
          "name": "csm-1.9.21",
          "playbook": "site.yml"
          "cloneUrl": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/sat-config-management.git",
          "commit": "4e14a37b32b0a3b779b7e5f2e70998dde47edde1",
          "name": "sat-2.3.4",
          "playbook": "sat-ncn.yml"
          "cloneUrl": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/cos-config-management.git",
          "commit": "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7",
          "name": "cos-integration-2.3.75",
          "playbook": "ncn.yml"
          "cloneUrl": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/cos-config-management.git",
          "commit": "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7",
          "name": "cos-integration-2.3.75",
          "playbook": "ncn-final.yml"
  3. Edit the extracted file and take the existing CSM layer and create an new layer to run the enable_chn.yml playbook.

      "cloneUrl": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git",
      "commit": "92ce2c9988fa092ad05b40057c3ec81af7b0af97",
      "name": "csm-1.9.21",
      "playbook": "enable_chn.yml"

    Important: This new layer must run after the SHS and COS ncn-final.yml layers, otherwise the HSN interfaces will not be configured correctly and this playbook will fail.

  4. Update the NCN personalization configuration.

    ncn# cray cfs configurations update ncn-personalization --file ncn-personalization.json --format toml

    Example output:

    lastUpdated = "2022-05-25T09:22:44Z"
    name = "ncn-personalization"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/   slingshot-host-software-config-management.git"
    commit = "f4e2bb7e912c39fc63e87a9284d026a5bebb6314"
    name = "shs-1.7.3-45-1.0.26"
    playbook = "shs_mellanox_install.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git"
    commit = "92ce2c9988fa092ad05b40057c3ec81af7b0af97"
    name = "csm-1.9.21"
    playbook = "site.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/sat-config-management.git"
    commit = "4e14a37b32b0a3b779b7e5f2e70998dde47edde1"
    name = "sat-2.3.4"
    playbook = "sat-ncn.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/cos-config-management.git"
    commit = "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7"
    name = "cos-integration-2.3.75"
    playbook = "ncn.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/cos-config-management.git"
    commit = "dd2bcbb97e3adbfd604f9aa297fb34baa0dd90f7"
    name = "cos-integration-2.3.75"
    playbook = "ncn-final.yml"
    cloneUrl = "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git"
    commit = "92ce2c9988fa092ad05b40057c3ec81af7b0af97"
    name = "csm-1.9.21"
    playbook = "enable_chn.yml"
  5. Check that NCN personalization runs and completes successfully on the worker nodes.

    Updating the CFS configuration will cause CFS to schedule the nodes for configuration. Run the following command to verify this has occurred.

    ncn# cray cfs components describe --format toml x3000c0s4b0n0

    Example output:

    configurationStatus = "pending"
    desiredConfig = "ncn-personalization"
    enabled = true
    errorCount = 0
    id = "x3000c0s4b0n0"
    state = []

    configurationStatus should change from pending to configured once NCN personalization completes successfully.

For more information on managing NCN personalization, see Perform NCN Personalization.

Configure the API gateways

No additional steps are required to configure the API gateways for CHN.

If CHN is selected during CSM installation or upgrade, then the customer-high-speed MetalLB pool is defined and the load balancers configured with IP addresses from this pool.

Validation tasks

Validating SLS

To display current setting of the SystemDefaultRoute SLS BICAN network, run the following command.

The CSM documentation RPM must be installed on the node where this command is run. See Check for Latest Documentation.

ncn-mw# /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/bifurcated_can/bican_route.py --check

Example output:

Configured SystemDefaultRoute: CHN

Validating UAN

  1. Retrieve the CHN network information from SLS.

    ncn# cray sls search networks list --name CHN --format json  | jq '.[].   ExtraProperties.Subnets[] | select(.Name=="bootstrap_dhcp") | del(.IPReservations)'

    Example output:

      "CIDR": "",
      "DHCPEnd": "",
      "DHCPStart": "",
      "FullName": "CHN Bootstrap DHCP Subnet",
      "Gateway": "",
      "Name": "bootstrap_dhcp",
      "VlanID": 5
  2. Verify that the default route is set correctly on the UAN.

    uan# ip r

    Example output:

    default via dev hsn0 via dev nmn0 via dev nmn0 dev hsn0 proto kernel scope link src dev nmn0 proto kernel scope link src dev hsn0 proto kernel scope link src

Validating UAI

  1. Retrieve the configured CHN subnet from SLS.

    ncn# cray sls search networks list --name CHN --format json | jq '.[].   ExtraProperties.Subnets[] | select(.Name=="chn_metallb_address_pool")'

    Example output:

      "CIDR": "",
      "FullName": "CHN Dynamic MetalLB",
      "Gateway": "",
      "MetalLBPoolName": "customer-high-speed",
      "Name": "chn_metallb_address_pool",
      "VlanID": 5
  2. Verify that UAIs are being created with IP addresses in the correct range.

    ncn# cray uas admin uais list --format json | jq -c '.[] | {uai_name, uai_ip}'

    Example output:

  3. Run the UAI gateway tests.

    The CSM documentation RPM must be installed on the node where this command is run. See Check for Latest Documentation.

    ncn-mw# /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/gateway-test/uai-gateway-test.sh

    The test will launch a UAI with the gateway-test image, execute the gateway tests, and then delete the UAI that was launched. The test will complete with an overall test status based on the result of the individual health checks on all of the networks. Example output:

    Overall Gateway Test Status:  PASS

See Gateway Testing for more information.

Validate compute nodes

  1. Retrieve the CHN network information from SLS.

    ncn# cray sls search networks list --name CHN --format json  | jq '.[].   ExtraProperties.Subnets[] | select(.Name=="bootstrap_dhcp") | del(.IPReservations)'

    Example output:

      "CIDR": "",
      "DHCPEnd": "",
      "DHCPStart": "",
      "FullName": "CHN Bootstrap DHCP Subnet",
      "Gateway": "",
      "Name": "bootstrap_dhcp",
      "VlanID": 5
  2. Verify that the compute nodes have CHN IP addresses set on the hsn0 interface.

    cn# ip ad show hsn0

    Example output:

    3: hsn0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen    1000
        link/ether 02:00:00:00:08:73 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        altname enp194s0np0
        inet scope global hsn0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet scope global hsn0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 fe80::ff:fe00:873/64 scope link
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  3. Verify that the default route is set correctly on the compute nodes.

    cn# ip route show

    Example output:

    default via dev hsn0 via dev nmn0 dev nmn0 proto kernel scope link src via dev nmn0 dev hsn0 proto kernel scope link src via dev nmn0 dev hsn3 proto kernel scope link src dev hsn2 proto kernel scope link src dev hsn1 proto kernel scope link src dev hsn0 proto kernel scope link src

Validate NCNs

  1. Retrieve the CHN network information from SLS.

    ncn# cray sls search networks list --name CHN --format json  | jq '.[].   ExtraProperties.Subnets[] | select(.Name=="bootstrap_dhcp") | del(.IPReservations)'

    Example output:

      "CIDR": "",
      "DHCPEnd": "",
      "DHCPStart": "",
      "FullName": "CHN Bootstrap DHCP Subnet",
      "Gateway": "",
      "Name": "bootstrap_dhcp",
      "VlanID": 5
  2. Verify that the worker nodes have CHN IP addresses set on the hsn0 interface.

    ncn# pdsh -w $(grep -oP 'ncn-w\d+' /etc/hosts | sort -u |  tr -t '\n' ',') \
             'ip ad show hsn0 | grep inet\ ' | dshbak -c

    Example output:

        inet brd scope global hsn0
        inet scope global hsn0
        inet brd scope global hsn0
        inet scope global hsn0
        inet brd scope global hsn0
        inet scope global hsn0
        inet brd scope global hsn0
        inet scope global hsn0

Validate the API gateways

  1. Check that the istio-ingressgateway-chn API gateway has an IP address.

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n istio-system get svc istio-ingressgateway-chn

    Example output:

    NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
    istio-ingressgateway-chn   LoadBalancer   80:30126/TCP,443:31972/TCP   74d
  2. Run the NCN gateway health checks.

    The CSM documentation RPM must be installed on the node where this command is run. See Check for Latest Documentation.

    ncn-mw# /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/gateway-test/ncn-gateway-test.sh

    The test will complete with an overall test status based on the result of the individual health checks on all of the networks. Example output:

    Overall Gateway Test Status:  PASS

See Gateway Testing for more information.

Disabling VLAN7 for UANs

After updating to CSM 1.2, the UAN nodes need to have their access to the CMN (VLAN7) removed. The procedure to Remove UAN Access to the CMN restricts access to UAN by removing VLAN 7 from the switch ports.