Load Saved Switch Configuration

This procedure is intended for internal use only.

This procedure switches between already saved switch configurations. It is used to quickly switch between configurations that are already loaded on the switches.

To save switch configurations, refer to the Configuration Management procedure.

When switching between configurations, the procedure must be followed on all management switches.

  • Spine switches have three total configuration files/checkpoints.

    • 1.2 fresh install
    • 1.2 upgrade
    • 1.0
  • Leaf-BMC switches have have two configuration files/checkpoints.

    • 1.2
    • 1.0

The procedure depends on the switch manufacturer:


  1. List the checkpoint files.

    Ensure that the proper checkpoint files exist.

    sw# show checkpoint | include CSM

    Example output:

    CSM1_2_FRESH_INSTALL_CANU_1_3_2                     latest      User    2022-04-01T20:11:57Z  GL.10.09.0010
    CSM1_2_UPGRADE_CANU_1_3_2                           checkpoint  User    2022-04-01T18:57:06Z  GL.10.09.0010
    CSM1_0_CANU_1_2_4                                   checkpoint  User    2022-03-15T21:37:11Z  GL.10.09.0010
  2. Rollback to desired checkpoint.

    sw# checkpoint rollback CSM1_2_UPGRADE_CANU_1_3_2
  3. Reset ACLs.

    In some rare cases, ACLs will not work as expected. In order to prevent this, run the following command after switching checkpoints.

    sw# access-list all reset


  1. List the configuration files.

    Ensure that the proper configuration files exist.

    sw# dir config

    Example output:

    Directory contents for folder: config
    Date (modified)        Size (bytes)  Name
    ---------------------  ------------  ------------------------------------------
    2022-02-08T16:31:42Z   112189        csm1.0.xml
    2022-02-08T16:28:31Z   112189        csm1.2.xml
    2022-02-08T16:30:23Z   112189        startup.xml
  2. Copy the desired configuration to the startup configuration.

    sw# copy config://csm1.0.xml config://startup.xml

    Copy completed will be returned if successful.

  3. Reboot the switch without saving configuration.

    sw# reload

    Example output:

    System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]:no


  1. View the configuration files.

    Ensure that the proper backup configurations exist.

    sw# show configuration files

    Example output:

    csm1.0.canu1.1.21 (active)
    Active configuration: csm1.0.canu1.1.21
    Unsaved changes     : yes
  2. Switch to the desired configuration.

    sw# configuration switch-to csm1.2.upgrade_canu1.1.21

    Example output:

    This requires a reboot.
    Type 'yes' to confirm: yes

    The switch will then reboot to chosen configuration.