This procedure describes how to wipe Aruba, Dell, and Mellanox switch configurations.
Out-of-band access to the switches (console)
Create a checkpoint before erasing the switch configuration.
More information related to backing up configuration can be found on the Configuration Management procedure.
sw-spine-001# copy running-config checkpoint CSM1_0
Verify the checkpoint was created.
sw-spine-001# show checkpoint
Example output:
CSM1_0 latest User 2022-01-27T18:52:31Z GL.10.08.1021
Erase the startup configuration.
sw-spine-002# erase startup-config
Erase checkpoint startup-config ? (y/n): y
Reboot after erasing the startup configuration.
sw-spine-001# boot system
Checking if the configuration needs to be saved...
Do you want to save the current configuration (y/n)? n
The switch will reboot without any configuration.
The default user is admin
without any password.
Follow the Apply Switch Configurations procedure.
Save startup configuration to a new XML configuration file.
sw-leaf-bmc-001# copy config://startup.xml config://csm1.2.xml
Erase the startup configuration.
sw-leaf-bmc-001# delete startup-configuration
Proceed to delete startup-configuration [confirm yes/no(default)]:yes
Reboot after erasing the startup configuration.
sw-leaf-bmc-001# reload
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]:no
Continuing without saving system configuration
Proceed to reboot the system? [confirm yes/no]:yes
The default username and password are admin
This will boot the switch to factory defaults.
Follow the Apply Switch Configurations procedure.
Create a new configuration file.
When a new configuration file is created, no data is written to it. We will boot to this new, blank configuration file.
(config) # configuration new csm1.2
If that configuration exists already, delete it with configuration delete csm1.2
, or reset to factory defaults with reset factory
Check that the configuration files contain the new csm1.2
blank configuration that was just created.
(config) # show configuration files
Example output:
csm1.0 (active)
Active configuration: csm1.0
Unsaved changes : no
Switch to the new configuration, which requires a reboot.
(config) # configuration switch-to csm1.2
This requires a reboot.
Type 'yes' to confirm: yes
The default username and password are admin
Follow the prompts as shown below.
Configuration wizard
Do you want to use the wizard for initial configuration?
Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
Do you want to use the wizard for initial configuration? no
Enable password hardening: [yes] no
New password for 'admin' account must be typed, please enter new password:
New password for 'monitor' account must be typed, please enter new password: