Move a liquid-cooled blade within a System

This top level procedure outlines common scenarios for moving blades around within an HPE Cray EX system.

Blade movement scenarios:


  • Knowledge of whether DVS is operating over the Node Management Network (NMN) or the High Speed Network (HSN).

  • The Slingshot fabric must be configured with the desired topology for desired state of the blades in the system.

  • The System Layout Service (SLS) must have the desired HSN configuration.

  • Check the status of the high-speed network (HSN) and record link status before the procedure.

  • The blades must have the coolant drained and filled during the swap to minimize cross-contamination of cooling systems.

    • Review procedures in HPE Cray EX Coolant Service Procedures H-6199
    • Review the HPE Cray EX Hand Pump User Guide H-6200

Scenario 1: Swap locations of two blades

This scenario will swap the locations of blade A in location A with blade B in location B.

  1. Follow the Removing a Liquid-cooled blade from a System procedure to remove blade A from location A.

  2. Follow the Removing a Liquid-cooled blade from a System procedure to remove blade B from location B.

  3. Follow the Adding a Liquid-cooled blade to a System procedure to add blade A in location B.

  4. Follow the Adding a Liquid-cooled blade to a System procedure to add blade B in location A.

Scenario 2: Move blade into a populated slot

This scenario will move blade A in location A into the location B of blade B, but not repopulate location A with a blade.

  1. Follow the Removing a Liquid-cooled blade from a System procedure to remove blade A from location A.

  2. Follow the Removing a Liquid-cooled blade from a System procedure to remove blade B from location B.

  3. Follow the Adding a Liquid-cooled blade to a System procedure to add blade A in location B.

Scenario 3: Move blade into an unpopulated slot

This scenario will move blade A in location A to the unpopulated slot of location B.

  1. Follow the Removing a Liquid-cooled blade from a System procedure to remove blade A from location A.

  2. Follow the Adding a Liquid-cooled blade to a System procedure to add blade A in location B.