Nexus Deployment

Nexus is deployed with the cray-nexus chart to the nexus namespace as part of the Cray System Management (CSM) release. Nexus is deployed after critical platform services are up and running. Product installers configure and populate Nexus blob stores and repositories using the cray-nexus-setup container image. As a result, there is no singular product that provides all Nexus repositories or assets; instead, individual products must be installed. However, CSM configures the charts Helm repository and the registry Docker repository, which all products may use.


For a complete set of available settings, consult the values.yaml file for the cray-nexus chart. The most common customizations to set are specified in the following table. They must be set in the customizations.yaml file under the setting.

Customization Default Description
istio.ingress.hosts.ui.enabled true Enables ingress from the CAN (default chart value is false)
istio.ingress.hosts.ui.authority nexus.cmn.{{ network.dns.external }} Sets the CAN hostname (default chart value is nexus.local)
sonatype-nexus.persistence.storageSize 1000Gi Nexus storage size, may be increased after installation; critical if is false

If modifying the customizations.yaml file, be sure to upload the new file to Kubernetes, otherwise the changes will not persist through future installs or upgrades.

ncn-mw# kubectl delete secret -n loftsman site-init &&
        kubectl create secret -n loftsman generic site-init --from-file=customizations.yaml

Common Nexus deployments

A typical deployment will look similar to the output of the following command:

ncn-mw# kubectl -n nexus get all

Example output:

NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/cray-precache-images-6tp2c   2/2     Running   0          20d
pod/cray-precache-images-dnwdx   2/2     Running   0          20d
pod/cray-precache-images-jgvx8   2/2     Running   0          20d
pod/cray-precache-images-n2clw   2/2     Running   0          20d
pod/cray-precache-images-v8ntg   2/2     Running   0          17d
pod/cray-precache-images-xmg6d   2/2     Running   0          20d
pod/nexus-55d8c77547-xcc2f       2/2     Running   0          19d

NAME            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
service/nexus   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP,5003/TCP   19d

NAME                                  DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR   AGE
daemonset.apps/cray-precache-images   6         6         6       6            6           <none>          20d

NAME                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/nexus   1/1     1            1           19d

NAME                               DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/nexus-55d8c77547   1         1         1       19dd

The cray-precache-images DaemonSet is used to keep select container images resident in the image cache on each worker node to ensure Nexus resiliency. It is deployed as a critical platform component prior to Nexus.

WARNING: The cray-nexus chart deploys Nexus with a single replica and the corresponding nexus-data PVC with RWX access mode. Nexus should NEVER be scaled to more than one replica; otherwise, the instance data in nexus-data PV will most likely be corrupted. Using RWX access mode enables Nexus to quickly restart on another worker node in the event of a node failure and avoid additional delay because of volume multi-attach errors.

Bootstrap registry

During installation, a Nexus instance is run on the PIT node at port 8081 to facilitate cluster bootstrap. It is only configured with a Docker registry available at http://pit.nmn:5000, which is populated with container images included in the CSM release.

On the PIT node, http://pit.nmn:5000 is the default mirror configured in /etc/containerd/config.toml. However, once the PIT node is rebooted as ncn-m001, it will no longer be available.

Product installers

Product installers vendor the container image, which includes helper scripts for working with the Nexus REST API to update and modify repositories. Product release distributions will include the nexus-blobstores.yaml and nexus-repositories.yaml files, which define the Nexus blob stores and repositories required for that version of the product. Also, expect to find directories that include specific types of assets:

  • rpm/ - RPM repositories
  • docker/ - Container images
  • helm/ - Helm charts

Prior to deploying Helm charts to the system management Kubernetes cluster, product installers will set up repositories in Nexus and then upload assets to them. Typically, all of this is automated in the beginning of a product’s script, and will look something like the following:

ROOTDIR="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"source"${ROOTDIR}/lib/"source"${ROOTDIR}/lib/"# Load vendored tools into install environment

# Upload the contents of an RPM repository named $repo
nexus-upload raw "${ROOTDIR}/rpm/${repo}""${RELEASE_NAME}-${RELEASE_VERSION}-${repo}"# Setup Nexus
nexus-setup blobstores   "${ROOTDIR}/nexus-blobstores.yaml"
nexus-setup repositories "${ROOTDIR}/nexus-repositories.yaml"# Upload container images to registry.local
skopeo-sync "${ROOTDIR}/docker"# Upload charts to the "charts" repository
nexus-upload helm "${ROOTDIR}/helm" charts

# Remove vendored tools from install environment

Product installers also load and clean up the install tools used to facilitate installation. By convention, vendored tools will be in the vendor directory. In case something goes wrong, it may be useful to manually load them into the install environment to help with debugging.