Change Credentials on ServerTech PDUs

This procedure changes password used by the admn user on ServerTech PDUs. This procedure should be used to update all ServerTech PDUs in the system to the same global credentials.

NOTE: This procedure only updates the default credentials on the ServerTech PDU hardware. No credentials are set in any management software.


  • The ServerTech PDUs must be accessible via a workstation or laptop.
  • Workstation or laptop has the curl command installed.
  • The ServerTech PDU hostnames or IP addresses must be known.
  • The default admn user password must be known for each PDU.


For each ServerTech PDU:

  1. Change password for the admn user on the ServerTech PDU.

    linux# curl -i -k -u admn:<OLD-PDU-PASSWORD> -X PATCH \
                   https://<PDU_IP_OR_HOSTNAME>/jaws/config/users/local/admn \
                   -d "{ \"password\": \"<NEW_PDU_PASSWORD>\" }"

    Expected output upon a successful password change:

    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
    Content-Type: text/html
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Server: ServerTech-AWS/v8.0p
    Set-Cookie: C5=1883488164; path=/
    Connection: close
    Pragma: JAWS v1.01

    NOTE: After 5 minutes, the previous credential should stop working as the existing session timed out.

  2. Verify that the new password works:

    linux# curl -i -k -u admn:<NEW-PDU-PASSWORD> \

    Expected output upon a successful password change:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: 23
    Server: ServerTech-AWS/v8.0p
    Set-Cookie: C5=241418521; path=/
    Allow: GET, PATCH
    CacheControl: no-cache,no-store
    Expires: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 00:00:00 GMT
    Pragma: JAWS v1.01
            "message" : ""