This procedure can be used to access the interface to manage Keycloak users. Users can be added with this interface. See Create Internal User Accounts in the Keycloak Shasta Realm.
as an example for the DNS name of the non-compute node (NCN). Replace this name with the actual NCN’s DNS name while executing this procedure.admin
account is known. The Keycloak password is set during the software installation process.
The password can be obtained with the following command:
ncn-mw# kubectl get secret -n services keycloak-master-admin-auth --template={{.data.password}} | base64 --decode
Point a browser at https://auth.cmn.SYSTEM_DOMAIN_NAME/keycloak/
with the actual NCN’s DNS name. Use of the auth.cmn.
sub-domain is required for administrative access to Keycloak.
The following is an example URL for a system:
The browser may return an error message similar to the following when auth.cmn.SYSTEM_DOMAIN_NAME/keycloak
is launched for the first time:
This Connection Is Not Private
This website may be impersonating "hostname" to steal your personal or financial information.
You should go back to the previous page.
See Make HTTPS Requests from Sources Outside the Management Kubernetes Cluster for more information on getting the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate on the system.
Click the Administration Console
Log in as the admin
user for the Master
Ensure that the selected Realm
is Shasta
Click the Users
link under the Manage
menu on the left side of the screen.
New users can be added with this interface. See Create Internal User Accounts in the Keycloak Shasta Realm.