Change Credentials on ServerTech PDUs

This procedure changes password used by the admn user on ServerTech PDUs. Either a single PDU can be updated to a new credential, or all ServerTech PDUs in the system can be updated to the same global credentials.


  • This procedure does not update the default credentials that RTS uses for new ServerTech PDUs added to a system. To change the default credentials, see Update default ServerTech PDU Credentials used by the Redfish Translation Service.
  • ServerTech PDUs running firmware version 8.0q or greater must have the password of the admn user changed before the JAWS REST API will function as expected.
  • The default username and password for ServerTech PDUs is admn and admn.


  • The Cray command line interface (CLI) is initialized and configured on the system. See Configure the Cray CLI.

  • The PDU is accessible over the network. A PDU can be reachable by its component name (xname) hostname, but may not yet be discovered by HSM.

  • PDUs are manufactured by ServerTech.

    This can be verified by the following command

    ncn-mw# PDU=x3000m0
    ncn-mw# curl -k -s --compressed  https://${PDU} -i | grep Server:

    Expected output for a ServerTech PDU:

    Server: ServerTech-AWS/v8.0v

    NOTE: The firmware version is listed after the ‘/’. In this case, the firmware version is 8.0v.


  1. List the ServerTech PDUs currently discovered in the system.

    ncn-mw# cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --type CabinetPDUController --format json |
        jq -r '.RedfishEndpoints[] | select(.FQDN | contains("rts")).ID'

    Example output:


    If any of the PDUs are not discovered by HSM, then the component name (xname) for each of the ServerTech PDUs on the system must be obtained.

  2. Set up Vault password variable and command alias.

    ncn-mw# VAULT_PASSWD=$(kubectl -n vault get secrets cray-vault-unseal-keys -o json | jq -r '.data["vault-root"]' |  base64 -d)
    ncn-mw# alias vault='kubectl -n vault exec -i cray-vault-0 -c vault -- env VAULT_TOKEN=$VAULT_PASSWD VAULT_ADDR= VAULT_FORMAT=json vault'
  3. Look up the existing password for the admn user.

    • To extract the global credentials from Vault for the PDUs:

      ncn-mw# vault kv get secret/pdu-creds/global/pdu
    • To extract the credentials from Vault for a single PDU:

      ncn-mw# PDU=x3000m0
      ncn-mw# vault kv get secret/pdu-creds/$PDU
  4. Store the existing password for the admn user.

    ncn-mw# read -s OLD_PDU_PASSWORD
  5. Specify the new desired password for the admn user. The new password must follow the following criteria:

    • Minimum of 8 characters
    • At least 1 uppercase letter
    • At least 1 lowercase letter
    • At least 1 number character
    ncn-mw# read -s NEW_PDU_PASSWORD
  6. Change and update the password for ServerTech PDUs.

    Either change the credentials on a single PDU or change all ServerTech PDUs to the same global default value:

    • Update the password on a single ServerTech PDU

      1. Set the PDU hostname to change the admn credentials:

        ncn-mw# PDU=x3000m0
      2. Verify that the PDU is reachable:

        ncn-mw# ping $PDU
      3. Change password for the admn user on the ServerTech PDU.

        ncn-mw# curl -i -k -u "admn:${OLD_PDU_PASSWORD}" -X PATCH https://${PDU}/jaws/config/users/local/admn \
             -d $(jq --arg PASSWORD "${NEW_PDU_PASSWORD}" -nc '{password: $PASSWORD}')

        Expected output upon a successful password change:

        HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
        Content-Type: text/html
        Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        Server: ServerTech-AWS/v8.0p
        Set-Cookie: C5=1883488164; path=/
        Connection: close
        Pragma: JAWS v1.01
      4. Update the PDU credentials stored in Vault.

        ncn-mw# vault kv get secret/pdu-creds/$PDU |
                jq --arg PASSWORD "$NEW_PDU_PASSWORD" '.data | .Password=$PASSWORD' |
                vault kv put secret/pdu-creds/$PDU -
    • Update all ServerTech PDUs in the system to the same password.

      NOTE: In order to change the password on all PDUs, the PDUs must be successfully discovered by HSM.

      1. Change password for the admn user on the ServerTech PDUs currently discovered in the system.

        ncn-mw# for PDU in $(cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --type CabinetPDUController --format json |
        jq -r '.RedfishEndpoints[] | select(.FQDN | contains("rts")).ID'); do
            echo "Updating password on ${PDU}"
            curl -i -k -u "admn:${OLD_PDU_PASSWORD}" -X PATCH https://${PDU}/jaws/config/users/local/admn \
                -d $(jq --arg PASSWORD "${NEW_PDU_PASSWORD}" -nc '{password: $PASSWORD}')

        Expected output upon a successful password change:

        Updating password on x3000m0
        HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
        Content-Type: text/html
        Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        Server: ServerTech-AWS/v8.0p
        Set-Cookie: C5=1883488164; path=/
        Connection: close
        Pragma: JAWS v1.01
        Updating password on x3001m0
        HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
        Content-Type: text/html
        Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        Server: ServerTech-AWS/v8.0p
        Set-Cookie: C5=1883488164; path=/
        Connection: close
        Pragma: JAWS v1.01
      2. Update Vault for all ServerTech PDUs in the system to the same password:

        ncn-mw# for PDU in $(cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --type CabinetPDUController --format json |
          jq -r '.RedfishEndpoints[] | select(.FQDN | contains("rts")).ID'); do
            echo "Updating password on ${PDU}"
            vault kv get secret/pdu-creds/${PDU} |
                jq --arg PASSWORD "${NEW_PDU_PASSWORD}" '.data | .Password=$PASSWORD' |
                vault kv put secret/pdu-creds/${PDU} -

        NOTE: After five minutes, the previous credential should stop working as the existing sessions time out.

  7. Restart the Redfish Translation Service (RTS) to pickup the new PDU credentials.

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n services rollout restart deployment cray-hms-rts
    ncn-mw# kubectl -n services rollout status deployment cray-hms-rts
  8. Wait for RTS to initialize itself.

    ncn-mw# sleep 3m
  9. Verify that RTS was able to communicate with the PDUs with the updated credentials.

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n services exec -it deployment/cray-hms-rts -c cray-hms-rts-redis -- redis-cli keys '*/redfish/v1/Managers'

    Expected output for a system with two PDUs.

    1) "x3000m0/redfish/v1/Managers"
    2) "x3001m0/redfish/v1/Managers"
  10. After waiting 10 minutes, Check that the PDU has been correctly discovered by HSM:

    ncn-mw# cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints describe x3000m0 --format json

    Example output:

      "ID": "x3000m0",
      "Type": "CabinetPDUController",
      "Hostname": "x3000m0-rts:8083",
      "Domain": "",
      "FQDN": "x3000m0-rts:8083",
      "Enabled": true,
      "User": "root",
      "Password": "",
      "MACAddr": "000a9c6236a5",
      "RediscoverOnUpdate": true,
      "DiscoveryInfo": {
        "LastDiscoveryAttempt": "2022-11-30T22:11:30.712119Z",
        "LastDiscoveryStatus": "DiscoverOK",
        "RedfishVersion": "2019.1"

    If the FQDN does not contain rts:8083, then a manual update to the HSM record is required:

    ncn-mw# cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints update x3000m0 --fqdn x3000m0-rts:8083 --id x3000m0 --hostname x3000m0-rts:8083

    Recheck cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints to verify the FQDN was updated. Repeat this step for each ServerTech PDU.