Change Cray EX Liquid-Cooled Cabinet Global Default Password

This procedure changes the global default root credential on HPE Cray EX liquid-cooled cabinet embedded controllers (BMCs). The chassis management module (CMM) controller (cC), node controller (nC), and Slingshot switch controller (sC) are generically referred to as “BMCs” in these procedures.



  1. If necessary, shut down compute nodes in each cabinet. Refer to Shut Down and Power Off Compute and User Access Nodes.

    ncn-mw# sat bootsys shutdown --stage bos-operations --bos-templates COS_SESSION_TEMPLATE
  2. Disable the hms-discovery Kubernetes cron job.

     ncn-mw# kubectl -n services patch cronjobs hms-discovery -p '{"spec" : {"suspend" : true }}'
  3. Power off all compute slots in the cabinets the passwords are to be changed on.

    Note: If a chassis is not fully populated, specify each slot individually.

    Example showing fully populated cabinets 1000-1003:

    ncn-mw# cray capmc xname_off create --xnames x[1000-1003]c[0-7]s[0-7] --format json

    Check the power status:

    ncn-mw# cray capmc get_xname_status create --xnames x[1000-1003]c[0-7]s[0-7] --format json

    Continue when all compute slots are Off.

  4. Perform the procedures in Provisioning a Liquid-Cooled EX Cabinet CEC with Default Credentials.

  5. Perform the procedures in Updating the Liquid-Cooled EX Cabinet Default Credentials after a CEC Password Change.

  6. To update Slingshot switch BMCs, refer to “Change Rosetta Login and Redfish API Credentials” in the Slingshot Operations Guide (> 1.6.0).