Manage System Passwords

Many system services require login credentials to gain access to them. The information below is a comprehensive list of system passwords and how to change them.

Contact HPE Cray service in order to obtain the default usernames and passwords for any of these components or services.


Default Keycloak admin user login credentials:

  • Username: admin

  • The password can be obtained with the following command:

    ncn-w001# kubectl get secret -n services keycloak-master-admin-auth \
    --template={{.data.password}} | base64 --decode

To update the default password for the admin account, refer to Change the Keycloak Admin Password.

To create new accounts, refer to Create Internal User Accounts in the Keycloak Shasta Realm.


The default Gitea user credentials is crayvcs. The password is randomly generated at install time and can be found in the vcs-user-credentials secret.

ncn-w001# kubectl get secret -n services vcs-user-credentials \
--template={{.data.vcs_password}} | base64 --decode

For more information on Gitea, including how to change the password, see Version Control Service VCS.

System Management Health Service

The default username is admin.

NOTE: Contact HPE Cray service in order to obtain the default password for Grafana and Kiali.

Management Network Switches

Each rack type includes a different set of passwords. During different stages of installation, these passwords are subject to change.

NOTE: Contact HPE Cray service in order to obtain the default passwords.

The tables below include the default login credentials for each rack type. These passwords can be changed by going into the console on a given switch and changing it. However, if the user gets locked out attempting to change the password or the configuration gets corrupted for an individual switch, it can wipe out the entire network configuration for the system.

NOTE: IP addresses can be found from the generated SLS file.

Liquid-Cooled Cabinet:

Name Role Switch Login
sw-leaf-bmc Leaf-BMC/Mgmt Dell S3048-ON admin
sw-spine Spine Mellanox SN2100 admin
sw-leaf-bmc Leaf-BMC/Mgmt Aruba 6300 admin
sw-spine Spine Aruba 8325 admin
sw-leaf Leaf Aruba 8325 admin

Air-Cooled Cabinet:

Name Role Switch Login
sw-leaf-bmc Leaf/Mgmt Dell S3048-ON admin
sw-leaf-bmc Leaf-BMC/Mgmt Aruba 6300 admin

Coolant Distribution Unit (CDU):

Name Role Switch Login
sw-cdu CDU/Leaf Dell S4048T-ON admin
sw-cdu CDU/Leaf Aruba 8360 admin


Name Role Switch IP Address Login
Arista DCS-7060CX-32S admin
Sonexion Entry point to Arista CS-L300 admin
E1000 CS-E1000 admin

Redfish Credentials

Redfish accounts are only valid with the Redfish API. They do not allow system logins via ssh or serial console.

Three accounts are created by default:

  • Root - Administrative account

    • Username: root
  • Operator - Power components on/off, read values, and configure accounts

    • Username: operator
  • ReadOnly - Log in, configure self, and read values

    • Username: guest

NOTE: Contact HPE Cray service in order to obtain the default passwords.

The System Configuration Service (SCSD) is used to set the credentials for Redfish BMCs. Refer to Set BMC Credentials for more information.

The account database is automatically saved to the non-volatile settings partition (/nvram/redfish/redfish-accounts) any time an account or account policy is modified. The file is stored as a redis command dump and is replayed (if it exists) anytime the core Redfish schema is loaded via the init script. If default accounts must be restored, delete the redis command dump and reboot the controller.

List accounts:

Use the following API path to list all accounts:

GET /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts

        "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ManagerAccountCollection.ManagerAccountCollection",
        "@odata.etag": "W/\"1559675674\"",
        "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts",
        "@odata.type": "#ManagerAccountCollection.ManagerAccountCollection",
        "Description": "Collection for Manager Accounts",
        "Members": [
            "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/1"
            "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/2"
        "Members@odata.count": 2,
        "Name": "Accounts Collection"

Use the following API path to list a single account:

GET /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/1

        "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ManagerAccount.ManagerAccount(*)",
        "@odata.etag": "W/"1559675272"",
        "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/1",
        "@odata.type": "#ManagerAccount.v1_1_1.ManagerAccount",
        "Description": "Default Account",
        "Enabled": true,
        "Id": "1",
        "Links": {
            "Role": {
                "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Administrator"
        "Locked": false,
        "Name": "Default Account",
        "RoleId": "Administrator",
        "UserName": "root"

Add accounts:

If an account is successfully created, then the account information data structure will be returned. The most important bit returned is the Id because it is part of the URL used for any further manipulation of the account.

Use the following API path to add accounts:

POST /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts

    Content-Type: application/json
        "Name": "Test Account",
        "RoleId": "Administrator",
        "UserName": "test",
        "Password": "test123",
        "Locked": false,
        "Enabled": true

        "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadataAccountService/Members/Accounts",
        "@odata.etag": "W/"1559679136"",
        "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts",
        "@odata.type": "#ManagerAccount.v1_1_1.ManagerAccount",
        "Description": "Collection of Account Details",
        "Id": "5",  **<<-- Note this value**
        "Links": {
            "Role": {
                "": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Administrator"
        "Enabled": true,
        "Locked": false,
        "Name": "Test",
        "RoleId": "Administrator",
        "UserName": "test"

Delete accounts:

Delete an account with the curl command:

# curl -u root:xxx -X DELETE https://x0c0s0b0/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ACCOUNT_ID

Update passwords:

Update the password for an account with the curl command:

WARNING: Changing Redfish credentials outside of Cray System Management (CSM) services may cause the Redfish device to be no longer manageable under CSM. If the credentials for other devices need to be changed, refer to the following device-specific credential changing procedures:

# curl -u root:xxx -X PATCH \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"Name": "Test"}' \

System Controllers

For SSH access, the system controllers have the following default credentials:

  • Node controller (nC)

    • Username: root
  • Chassis controller (cC)

    • Username: root
  • Switch controller (sC)

    • Username: root
  • sC minimal recovery firmware image (rec)

    • Username: root

NOTE: Contact HPE Cray service in order to obtain the default passwords.

Passwords for nC, cC, and sC controllers are all managed with the following process. The cfgsh tool is a configuration shell that can be used interactively or scripted. Interactively, it may be used as follows after logging in as root via ssh:

x0c1# config
x0c1(conf)# exit
x0c1# copy running-config startup-config
x0c1# exit

It may be used non-interactively as well. This is useful for separating out several of the commands used for the initial setup. The shell utility returns non-zero on error.

# cfgsh copy running-config startup-config

In both cases, a running-config must be saved out to non-volatile storage in a startup configuration file. If it is not, the password will revert to default on the next boot. This is the exact same behavior as standard managed Ethernet switches.

SNMP Credentials

To adjust the SNMP credentials, perform the following tasks:

  1. Update the default credentials specified in the customizations.yaml file.

  2. Update the credentials actively being used for existing leaf switches.

HPE Cray EX Liquid-Cooled Cabinet Hardware

Change the global default credential on HPE Cray EX liquid-cooled cabinet embedded controllers (BMCs). The chassis management module (CMM) controller (cC), node controller (nC), and Slingshot switch controller (sC) are generically referred to as “BMCs” in these procedures.

Provision a Glibc compatible SHA-512 administrative password hash to a cabinet environmental controller (CEC). This password becomes the Redfish default global credential to access the CMM controllers and node controllers (BMCs).

Change the credential for HPE Cray EX liquid-cooled cabinet chassis controllers and node controller (BMCs) used by CSM services after the CECs have been set to a new global default credential.


The default username is admin.

NOTE: Contact HPE Cray service in order to obtain the default password for Gigabyte.

Passwords Managed in Other Product Streams

Refer to the following product stream documentation for detailed procedures about updating passwords for compute nodes and User Access Nodes (UANs).

Cray Operating System (COS): To update the root password for compute nodes, refer to “Set Root Password for Compute Nodes” in the COS product stream documentation for more information.

User Access Node (UAN): Refer to “Create UAN Boot Images” in the UAN product stream documentation for the steps required to change the password on UANs. The “uan_shadow” header in the “UAN Ansible Roles” section includes more context on setting the root password on UANS.