Configure BMC and Controller Parameters with SCSD

The System Configuration Service (SCSD) allows administrators to set various BMC and controller parameters for components in liquid-cooled cabinets. These parameters are typically set during discovery, but this tool enables parameters to be set before or after discovery. The operations to change these parameters are available in the cray CLI under the scsd command.

The parameters which can be set are:

  • SSH key
  • NTP server
  • Syslog server
  • BMC/Controller passwords
  • SSH console key

IMPORTANT: If the scsd tool is used to update the SSHConsoleKey value outside of ConMan, it will disrupt the ConMan connection to the console and collection of console logs. See ConMan for more information about remote consoles and collecting console logs.

However, this procedure only describes how to change the SSH key to enable passwordless SSH for troubleshooting of power down and power up logs on the node BMCs.

See Manage Parameters with the SCSD Service for more information about these topics for changing the other parameters:

  • Retrieve current information from targets
  • Retrieve information from a single target
  • Set parameters for targets
  • Set parameters for a single BMC or controller
  • Set Redfish credentials for multiple targets
  • Set Redfish credentials for a single target

The NTP server and syslog server for BMCs in the liquid-cooled cabinet are typically set by MEDS.



Setting the SSH keys for Mountain controllers is done by running the /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/configuration/ script:

NOTE: The located in /opt/cray/csm/scripts/admin_access contains a bug and should not be used.

Usage: [options]

   --debug=level    Set debug level
   --dryrun         Gather all info but do not set anything in HW.
   --exclude=list   Comma-separated list of target patterns to exclude.
                    Each item in the list is matched on the front
                    of each target component name (xname) and excluded if there is a match.
                    Example: x1000,x3000c0,x9000c1s0
                        This will exclude all BMCs in cabinet x1000,
                        all BMCs at or below x3000c0, and all BMCs
                        below x9000c1s0.
                    NOTE: --include and --exclude are mutually exclusive.
   --include=list   Comma-separated list of target patterns to include.
                    Each item in the list is matched on the front
                    of each target component name (xname) and included is there is a match.
                    NOTE: --include and --exclude are mutually exclusive.
   --sshkey=key     SSH key to set on BMCs. If none is specified, will use

If no command line arguments are needed, SSH keys are set on all discovered Mountain controllers using the root account’s public RSA key. Using an alternate key requires the --sshkey=key argument:

  # /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/configuration/` --sshkey="AAAbbCcDddd...."

After the script runs, verify that it worked:

  1. Test access to a node controller in the liquid-cooled cabinet.

    SSH into the node controller for the host component name (xname). For example, if the host component name (xname) is x1000c1s0b0n0, the node controller component name (xname) would be x1000c1s0b0.

    If the node controller is not powered up, this SSH attempt will fail.

    ncn-w001# ssh x1000c1s0b0

    Notice that the command prompt (x1000c1s0b0:>) includes the hostname for this node controller.

  2. The logs from power actions for node 0 and node 1 on this node controller are in /var/log.

    x1000c1s0b0# cd /var/log
    x1000c1s0b0# ls -l powerfault_*

    Expected output looks similar to the following:

    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           306 May 10 15:32 powerfault_dn.Node0
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           306 May 10 15:32 powerfault_dn.Node1
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          5781 May 10 15:36 powerfault_up.Node0
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          5781 May 10 15:36 powerfault_up.Node1

Debugging if script fails

If this script does not achieve the goal of setting SSH keys, then check the following:

  • Make sure the SSH key is correct.
  • If --exclude= or --include= was used with the script, ensure the correct component names (xnames) were specified.
  • Re-run the script with --debug=3 for verbose debugging output. Look for things like missing BMCs, bad authentication token, or bad communications with BMCs.

If this script fails, then the SSH keys can be set manually using the Manual SSH Key Setting Process.