List UAI Resource Specifications

Obtain a list of all the UAI resource specifications registered with UAS.


  • The administrator must be logged into an NCN or a host that has administrative access to the HPE Cray EX System API Gateway
  • The administrator must have the HPE Cray EX System CLI (cray command) installed on the above host
  • The HPE Cray EX System CLI must be configured (initialized - cray init command) to reach the HPE Cray EX System API Gateway
  • The administrator must be logged in as an administrator to the HPE Cray EX System CLI (cray auth login command)


List all the resource specifications registered in UAS.

The resource specifications returned by the following command are available for UAIs to use:

ncn-m001-pit# cray uas admin config resources list

Example output:

comment = "Resource Specification to use with Brokered End-User UAIs"
limit = "{\"cpu\": \"300m\", \"memory\": \"1Gi\"}"
request = "{\"cpu\": \"300m\", \"memory\": \"1Gi\"}"
resource_id = "f26ee12c-6215-4ad1-a15e-efe4232f45e6"

The following are the configurable parts of a resource specification:

  • limit - A JSON string describing a Kubernetes resource limit
  • request - A JSON string describing a Kubernetes resource request
  • comment - An optional free form string containing any information an administrator might find useful about the resource specification
  • resource-id - Used for examining, updating or deleting the resource specification as well as linking the resource specification into a UAI class

Refer to Elements of a UAI for more information.

Top: User Access Service (UAS)

Next Topic: Create a UAI Resource Specification