Obtain the Configuration of a UAS Volume

View the configuration information of a specific UAS volume. This procedure requires the volume_ID of that volume.


  • The administrator must be logged into an NCN or a host that has administrative access to the HPE Cray EX System API Gateway
  • The administrator must have the HPE Cray EX System CLI (cray command) installed on the above host
  • The HPE Cray EX System CLI must be configured (initialized - cray init command) to reach the HPE Cray EX System API Gateway
  • The administrator must be logged in as an administrator to the HPE Cray EX System CLI (cray auth login command)
  • The administrator must know the Volume ID of the volume to be retrieved: List Volumes Registered in UAS


View the configuration of a specific UAS volume.

This command returns output in TOML format by default. JSON or YAML formatted output can be obtained by using the --format json or --format yaml options respectively.

ncn-m001-pit# cray uas admin config volumes describe 11a4a22a-9644-4529-9434-d296eef2dc48 --format json

Example output:

  "mount_path": "/etc/localtime",
  "volume_description": {
    "host_path": {
      "path": "/etc/localtime",
      "type": "FileOrCreate"
  "volume_id": "11a4a22a-9644-4529-9434-d296eef2dc48",
  "volumename": "timezone"

Top: User Access Service (UAS)

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