View a UAI Class

Display all the information for a specific UAI class by referencing its class ID.


  • The administrator must be logged into an NCN or a host that has administrative access to the HPE Cray EX System API Gateway
  • The administrator must have the HPE Cray EX System CLI (cray command) installed on the above host
  • The HPE Cray EX System CLI must be configured (initialized - cray init command) to reach the HPE Cray EX System API Gateway
  • The administrator must be logged in as an administrator to the HPE Cray EX System CLI (cray auth login command)
  • The administrator must know the Class ID of a UAI class: List Available UAI Classes


View all the information about a specific UAI class.

To examine an existing UAI class, use a command of the following form:

ncn-m001-pit# cray uas admin config classes describe <class-id>

The following example uses the --format yaml option to display the UAI class configuration in YAML format. Replace yaml with json to return JSON-formatted output. Omitting the --format option displays the UAI class in the default TOML format.

Replace bb28a35a-6cbc-4c30-84b0-6050314af76b in the example command with the ID of the UAI class to be examined.

ncn-m001-pit# cray uas admin config classes describe bdb4988b-c061-48fa-a005-34f8571b88b4 --format yaml

Example output:

class_id: bdb4988b-c061-48fa-a005-34f8571b88b4
comment: UAI Class to Create Brokered End-User UAIs
default: false
image_id: 1996c7f7-ca45-4588-bc41-0422fe2a1c3d
namespace: user
opt_ports: []
priority_class_name: uai-priority
public_ip: false
replicas: 3
  comment: Resource Specification to use with Brokered End-User UAIs
  limit: '{"cpu": "1", "memory": "1Gi"}'
  request: '{"cpu": "1", "memory": "1Gi"}'
  resource_id: f26ee12c-6215-4ad1-a15e-efe4232f45e6
resource_id: f26ee12c-6215-4ad1-a15e-efe4232f45e6
  hard: '86400'
  soft: '1800'
  warning: '60'
uai_compute_network: true
  default: true
  image_id: 1996c7f7-ca45-4588-bc41-0422fe2a1c3d
  imagename: registry.local/cray/cray-uai-sles15sp2:1.2.4
- 11a4a22a-9644-4529-9434-d296eef2dc48
- a3b149fd-c477-41f0-8f8d-bfcee87fdd0a
- mount_path: /etc/localtime
      path: /etc/localtime
      type: FileOrCreate
  volume_id: 11a4a22a-9644-4529-9434-d296eef2dc48
  volumename: timezone
- mount_path: /lus
      path: /lus
      type: DirectoryOrCreate
  volume_id: a3b149fd-c477-41f0-8f8d-bfcee87fdd0a
  volumename: lustre

Refer to UAI Classes and Elements of a UAI for an explanation of the output of this command.

Top: User Access Service (UAS)

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