Troubleshoot Ceph-Mon Processes Stopping and Exceeding Max Restarts

Troubleshoot an issue where all of the ceph-mon processes stop and exceed their maximum amount of attempts at restarting. This bug corrupts the health of the Ceph cluster.

Return the Ceph cluster to a healthy state by resolving issues with ceph-mon processes.


This procedure requires admin privileges.


See Collect Information about the Ceph Cluster for more information on how to interpret the output of the Ceph commands used in this procedure.

  1. Log on to the manager nodes via ssh.

    The commands in the next step will need to be run on each manager node.

  2. Verify the ceph-mon process is running as expected.

    1. Check to see if the ceph-mon process is running on all of the manager nodes.

      This command needs to be run on each manager node to determine where the issues are occurring. Make a note of which nodes do not have the ceph-mon process running.

      ncn-m001# ps -ef |grep ceph-mon

      Example output:

      root     24465 24175  0 10:04 pts/0    00:00:00 grep ceph-mon
      ceph     33480     1  0 Jan15 ?        00:11:36 /usr/bin/ceph-mon -f --cluster ceph --id ncn-m001 --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph  <<-- If missing, it is not running
    2. Restart the ceph-mon process on any node where it was not running.

      This is expected to crash again, but this is a good way to verify there is an issue.

      ncn-s00(1/2/3)# systemctl daemon-reload
      ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon restart mon.<hostname>
  3. Check the health of the Ceph cluster on one of the manager nodes.

    This command will report a HEALTH_WARN status. There will be a message below this warning indicating that a ceph-mon node or multiple ceph-mon nodes are out of quorum.

    ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph -s

    To watch nodes that drop out of quorum, run the following command:

    ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph -ws

    Once it is clear that the ceph-mon processes keep crashing across all of the manager nodes, proceed to the next step. If only a single ceph-mon process on a manager node is having issues, then a different issue is occurring.

  4. Restart the ceph-mds services on all manager nodes.

    ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon restart mds.cephfs.<container id>
  5. Restart the ceph-mon process on all manager nodes.

    ncn-m001# systemctl daemon-reload
    ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon restart mon.<hostname>
  6. Monitor the cluster to ensure the ceph-mon processes are running on all manager nodes.

    The health status should return to reporting as HEALTH_OK. Monitor the health of the cluster over the next 30 minutes to ensure the debugging was successful.

    ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph -s