Troubleshoot an issue where pods cannot restart on another worker node because of the “Volume is already exclusively attached to one node and can’t be attached to another” error. Kubernetes does not currently support “readwritemany” access mode for Rados Block Device (RBD) devices, which causes an issue where devices fail to unmap correctly.
The issue occurs when unmounting the mounts tied to the RBD devices, which causes the rbd-task (watcher) to not stop for the RBD device.
WARNING: If this process is followed and there are mount points that cannot be unmounted without using the force option, then a process may still be writing to them. If mount points are forcefully unmounted, there is a high probability of data loss or corruption.
This procedure requires administrative privileges.
Force delete the pod.
This may not be successful, but it is important to try before proceeding.
ncn-w001# kubectl delete pod -n NAMESPACE POD_NAME --force --grace-period=0
Log in to a manager node and proceed if the previous step did not fix the issue.
Describe the pod experiencing issues.
The returned Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) information will be needed in future steps.
ncn-m001# kubectl -n services describe pod POD_ID
Example output:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 23s default-scheduler Successfully assigned services/cray-ims-6578bf7874-twwp7 to ncn-w002
Warning FailedAttachVolume 23s attachdetach-controller Multi-Attach error for volume "**pvc-6ac68e32-de91-4e21-ac9f-c743b3ecb776**" Volume is already exclusively attached to one node and can't be attached to another
In this example, pvc-6ac68e32-de91-4e21-ac9f-c743b3ecb776 is the PVC information required for the next step.
Retrieve the Ceph volume.
ncn-m001# kubectl describe -n NAMESPACE pv PVC_NAME
Example output:
Name: pvc-6ac68e32-de91-4e21-ac9f-c743b3ecb776
Labels: <none>
Finalizers: []
StorageClass: ceph-rbd-external
Status: Bound
Claim: services/cray-ims-data-claim
Reclaim Policy: Delete
Access Modes: RWO
VolumeMode: Filesystem
Capacity: 10Gi
Node Affinity: <none>
Type: RBD (a Rados Block Device mount on the host that shares a pod's lifetime)
CephMonitors: []
RBDImage: kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-3ce9ec37-846b-11ea-acae-86f521872f4c <<-- Ceph image name
RBDPool: kube <<-- Ceph pool
RadosUser: kube
Keyring: /etc/ceph/keyring
SecretRef: &SecretReference{Name:ceph-rbd-kube,Namespace:ceph-rbd,}
ReadOnly: false
Events: <none>
Find the worker node that has the RBD locked.
Find the RBD status.
Take a note of the returned IP address.
ncn-m001# rbd status CEPH_POOL_NAME/CEPH_IMAGE_NAME
For example:
ncn-m001# rbd status kube/kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-3ce9ec37-846b-11ea-acae-86f521872f4c
watcher=****:0/3520479722 client.689192 cookie=18446462598732840976
Use the returned IP address to get the host name attached to it.
Take note of the returned host name.
ncn-m001# grep IP_ADDRESS /etc/hosts
Example output: ncn-w001.local ncn-w001 ncn-w001-nmn.local x3000c0s7b0n0 ncn-w001-nmn sms01-nmn.local sms04-nmn sms.local sms-nmn sms-nmn.local mgmt-plane-cmn mgmt-plane-cmn.local mgmt-plane-nmn.local bis.local bis time-nmn time-nmn.local #-label-
SSH to the host name returned in the previous step.
ncn-m001# ssh HOST_NAME
Unmap the device.
Find the RBD number.
Use the CEPH_IMAGE_NAME value returned in step 4.
ncn-m001# rbd showmapped|grep CEPH_IMAGE_NAME
Example output:
16 kube kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-3ce9ec37-846b-11ea-acae-86f521872f4c - /dev/**rbd16**
Take note of the returned RBD number, which will be used in the next step.
Verify it is not in use by an unstopped container.
ncn-m001# mount|grep RBD_NUMBER
If no mount points are returned, proceed to the next step. If mount points are returned, run the following command:
ncn-m001# unmount MOUNT_POINT
Troubleshooting: If that still does not succeed, use the unmount -f
WARNING: If mount points are forcefully unmounted, there is a chance for data loss or corruption.
Unmap the device.
ncn-m001# rbd unmap -o force /dev/RBD_NUMBER
Check the status of the pod.
ncn-m001# kubectl get pod -n NAMESPACE POD_NAME
Troubleshooting: If the pod status has not changes, try deleting the pod to restart it.
ncn-m001# kubectl delete pod -n NAMESPACE POD_NAME