HMS Discovery Job Not Creating RedfishEndpoints In Hardware State Manager

It is a known issue with the HMS Discovery cronjob that when a BMC does not respond by its IP address, the discovery job will not create a RedfishEndpoint for the BMC in Hardware State Manager (HSM). However, it does update the BMC MAC address in HSM with its component name (xname). The discovery job only creates a new RedfishEndpoints when it encounters an unknown MAC address without a component name (xname) associated with it.

This troubleshooting procedure is only applicable for air-cooled NodeBMCs and RouterBMCs.


  • Only applicable to an air-cooled NodeBMC or RouterBMC.


  • The MAC address for the BMC in HSM has an IP address and component ID.
  • The BMC is pingable.
  • There is no RedfishEndpoint for the BMC in HSM.

Check For Symptoms

  1. Setup an environment variable with to store the xname of the BMC.

    This should be either the component name (xname) for a NodeBMC (xXcCsSbB) or RouterBMC (xXcCrRbB).

    ncn# export BMC=x3000c0s18b0
  2. Check to see in HSM if the component ID for a BMC has a MAC address and IP associated with it.

    ncn# cray hsm inventory ethernetInterfaces list --component-id $BMC

    Example output:

    ID = "54802852b706"
    Description = ""
    MACAddress = "54:80:28:52:b7:06"
    LastUpdate = "2021-06-15T14:30:21.195015Z"
    ComponentID = "x3000c0s18b0"
    Type = "NodeBMC"
    IPAddress = ""
    ID = "54802852b707"
    Description = "Configuration of this Manager Network Interface"
    MACAddress = "54:80:28:52:b7:07"
    LastUpdate = "2021-06-15T14:37:52.078528Z"
    ComponentID = "x3000c0s18b0"
    Type = "NodeBMC"
    IPAddresses = []
  3. Set an environment variable to store the MAC address of the BMC that has an IP address:

    Make sure to use the normalized MAC address from the ID field.

    ncn# export BMC_MAC=54802852b706
  4. Verify that the IP address associated with the MAC address is pingable.

    ncn# ping $BMC

    If it is pingable, then output will look similar to the following:

    PING x3000c0s18b0 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from x3000c0s18b0 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.342 ms
    64 bytes from x3000c0s18b0 ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.152 ms
    64 bytes from x3000c0s18b0 ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.205 ms
    64 bytes from x3000c0s18b0 ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.291 ms
    --- x3000c0s18b0 ping statistics ---
    4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3067ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.152/0.247/0.342/0.075 ms
  5. Verify that no Redfish endpoint for the NodeBMC or RouterBMC is present in HSM.

    ncn# cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints describe $BMC

    If the endpoint is missing from HMC, then output will look similar to the following:

    Usage: cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints describe [OPTIONS] XNAME
    Try 'cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints describe --help' for help.
    Error: Missing argument 'XNAME'.
  6. If the BMC has a MAC Address with a component ID and does not have a RedfishEndpoint in HSM, then proceed to the next section.


Correcting this River Redfish endpoint discovery issue can be done by running the script:

ncn# /opt/cray/csm/scripts/hms_verification/

The return value of the script is 0 if the correction was successful or if no correction was needed. A non-zero return value means that manual intervention may be needed to correct the issue. Continue to the next section if there were failures.

Script Debugging Steps

  1. Check that the hms-discovery cronjob has run to completion since running the script.

    ncn# kubectl -n services get pods -l app=hms-discovery

    Example output:

    NAME                             READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    hms-discovery-1624901400-wsfxv   0/2     Completed   0          28m
    hms-discovery-1624901580-xpsj7   0/2     Completed   0          25m
    hms-discovery-1624901760-tbw6t   0/2     Completed   0          22m
    hms-discovery-1624901940-rxwjk   0/2     Completed   0          19m
    hms-discovery-1624902120-4njrx   0/2     Completed   0          16m
    hms-discovery-1624902300-jcgd8   0/2     Completed   0          13m
    hms-discovery-1624902480-468sx   0/2     Completed   0          10m
    hms-discovery-1624902660-gdkmh   0/2     Completed   0          7m52s
    hms-discovery-1624902840-nlzw2   0/2     Completed   0          4m50s
    hms-discovery-1624903020-qk6ww   0/2     Completed   0          109s

    If not, wait until it has and then continue to the next step.

  2. Verify that the MAC address has a component ID associated with it.

    ncn# cray hsm inventory ethernetInterfaces describe $BMC_MAC

    Example output:

    ID = "54802852b706"
    Description = ""
    MACAddress = "54:80:28:52:b7:06"
    LastUpdate = "2021-06-28T18:18:15.960235Z"
    ComponentID = "x3000c0s18b0"
    Type = "NodeBMC"
    IPAddress = ""

    If ComponentID remains empty, then check the hms-discovery logs for errors. Otherwise, move on to the next step.

  3. Verify that a RedfishEndpoint now exists for the BMC.

    The BMC when first added to HSM may not be DiscoverOK right away. It may take up 5 minutes for BMC hostname to start resolving in DNS. The HMS Discovery cronjob should automatically trigger a discovery for any RedfishEndpoints that are not in the DiscoveryOk or DiscoveryStarted states, such as HTTPsGetFailed.

    ncn# cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints describe $BMC

    Example output:

    ID = "x3000c0s18b0"
    Type = "NodeBMC"
    Hostname = "x3000c0s18b0"
    Domain = ""
    FQDN = "x3000c0s18b0"
    Enabled = true
    UUID = "9a856688-e286-54ff-989f-1f8475430231"
    User = "root"
    Password = ""
    MACAddr = "54802852b706"
    RediscoverOnUpdate = true
    LastDiscoveryAttempt = "2021-06-28T18:26:05.902976Z"
    LastDiscoveryStatus = "DiscoverOK"
    RedfishVersion = "1.6.0"