Spire database connection pool configuration in an air-gapped environment


Due to the way the resolver code works in certain versions of Alpine Linux, it may be necessary to reconfigure the spire-postgres-pooler to use the fully qualified domain name of the database in order to prevent DNS lookup errors.


  • The spire-server pods are logging query_wait_timeout errors.

    time="2022-11-15T09:39:38Z" level=error msg="Fatal run error" error="datastore-sql: pq: query_wait_timeout"
    time="2022-11-15T09:39:38Z" level=error msg="Server crashed" error="datastore-sql: pq: query_wait_timeout"
  • The spire-postgres-pooler pods are logging DNS lookup failure errors.

    2022-11-15 09:38:40.290 UTC [1] WARNING DNS lookup failed: spire-postgres: result=0
    2022-11-15 09:38:56.211 UTC [1] WARNING DNS lookup failed: spire-postgres: result=0
    2022-11-15 09:39:11.881 UTC [1] WARNING DNS lookup failed: spire-postgres: result=0
    2022-11-15 09:39:27.879 UTC [1] WARNING DNS lookup failed: spire-postgres: result=0
    2022-11-15 09:39:38.541 UTC [1] WARNING C-0x55729bbc56c0: spire/(nouser)@ pooler error: query_wait_timeout


  1. Edit the spire-postgres-pooler deployment.

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n spire edit deployment spire-postgres-pooler
  2. Update the PGHOST environment variable to use the fully qualified domain name.

    An example of the deployment before being edited:

    - env:
      - name: PGHOST
        value: spire-postgres

    Change PGHOST to:

    - env:
      - name: PGHOST
        value: spire-postgres.spire.svc.cluster.local

    The spire-postgres-pooler pods will automatically restart to pick up the new value.

IMPORTANT: This change will need to be reapplied if the spire Helm chart is re-installed.

This will be resolved in a future CSM release when the PostgreSQL operator is upgraded to a newer version.