Worker-Specific Manual Steps

  1. Determine if the worker being rebuilt is running a cray-cps-cm-pm pod, by running the cray cps deployment list command below. If so, there is a final step to redeploy this pod once the worker is rebuilt. In the example below, nodes ncn-w001, ncn-w002, and ncn-w003 have the pod.

    NOTE: If the command below does not return any pod names, proceed to step 2. NOTE: A 404 error is expected if the COS product is not installed on the system. In this case, proceed to step 2. NOTE: If the cray command is not initialized, see Initialize the CLI Configuration

    ncn# cray cps deployment list --format json | jq '.[] | [.node,.podname]'

    If the node being rebuilt is in the output from the cray cps deployment list command above, then the cray cps deployment update command should be run after the node has been upgraded and is back online.

    Do not run this command now. It is part of the manual instructions for upgrading a worker node. This example uses ncn-w002.

    ncn# cray cps deployment update --nodes "ncn-w002"
  2. Confirm the CFS configurationStatus for all worker nodes before shutting down this worker node. If the state is pending, the administrator may want to tail the logs of the CFS pod running on that node to watch the job finish before rebooting this node. If the state is failed for this node, then you will know that the failed CFS job state preceded this worker rebuild, and that can be addressed independent of rebuilding this worker.

    This example uses ncn-w002.

    ncn# export NODE=ncn-w002
    ncn# export XNAME=$(ssh $NODE cat /etc/cray/xname)
    ncn# cray cfs components describe $XNAME --format json
      "configurationStatus": "configured",
      "desiredConfig": "ncn-personalization-full",
      "enabled": true,
      "errorCount": 0,
      "id": "x3000c0s7b0n0",
      "retryPolicy": 3,