Stage 0 - Prerequisites and Preflight Checks


Abstract (Stage 0)

Stage 0 has several critical procedures which prepares and verify if the environment is ready for upgrade. First, the latest documentation RPM is installed; it includes critical install scripts used in the upgrade procedure. Next, the current configuration of the System Layout Service (SLS) is updated to have necessary information for CSM 1.2.x. The management network configuration is also upgraded. Towards the end, prerequisite checks are performed to ensure that the upgrade is ready to proceed. Finally, a backup of Workload Manager configuration data and files is created. Once complete, the upgrade proceeds to Stage 1.


Stage 0.1 - Prepare assets

  1. Set the CSM_RELEASE variable to the target CSM version of this upgrade.

    The following command is just an example. Be sure to set the appropriate CSM_RELEASE version for the upgrade being performed.

    ncn-m001# CSM_RELEASE=csm-1.2.2
  2. If there are space concerns on the node, then add an rbd device on the node for the CSM tarball.

    1. Create a storage pool.

    2. Create and map an rbd device.

    3. Mount an rbd device.

    Note: This same rbd device can be remapped to ncn-m002 later in the upgrade procedure, when the CSM tarball is needed on that node. However, the script will delete the CSM tarball in order to free space on the node. If using an rbd device, this is not necessary or desirable, as it will require the CSM tarball to be downloaded again later in the procedure. Therefore, if using an rbd device to store the CSM tarball, then copy the tarball to a different location and point to that location when running the script.

  3. Follow either the Direct download or Manual copy procedure.

    • If there is a URL for the CSM tar file that is accessible from ncn-m001, then the Direct download procedure may be used.
    • Alternatively, the Manual copy procedure may be used, which includes manually copying the CSM tar file to ncn-m001.

Direct download

  1. Download and install the latest documentation RPM.

    Important: The upgrade scripts expect the docs-csm RPM to be located at /root/docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm; that is why this command copies it there.

    ncn-m001# wget \
                 -O /root/docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm &&
              rpm -Uvh --force /root/docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm
  2. Set the ENDPOINT variable to the URL of the directory containing the CSM release tar file.

    In other words, the full URL to the CSM release tar file must be ${ENDPOINT}${CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz

    NOTE This step is optional for Cray/HPE internal installs, if ncn-m001 can reach the internet.

    ncn-m001# ENDPOINT=https://put.the/url/here/
  3. Run the script.

    NOTE For Cray/HPE internal installs, if ncn-m001 can reach the internet, then the --endpoint argument may be omitted.

    ncn-m001# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.2/scripts/upgrade/ --csm-version ${CSM_RELEASE} --endpoint "${ENDPOINT}"
  4. Skip the Manual copy subsection and proceed to Stage 0.2 - Update SLS.

Manual copy

  1. Copy the docs-csm RPM package and CSM release tar file to ncn-m001.

    See Update Product Stream.

  2. Copy the documentation RPM to /root and install it.


    • Replace the PATH_TO_DOCS_RPM below with the location of the RPM on ncn-m001.
    • The upgrade scripts expect the docs-csm RPM to be located at /root/docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm; that is why this command copies it there.
    ncn-m001# cp PATH_TO_DOCS_RPM /root/docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm &&
              rpm -Uvh --force /root/docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm
  3. Set the CSM_TAR_PATH variable to the full path to the CSM tar file on ncn-m001.

    The script will delete the CSM tarball in order to free space on the node. If using an rbd device to store the CSM tarball (or if not wanting the tarball file deleted for other reasons), then be sure to copy the tarball file to a different location, and set the CSM_TAR_PATH to point to this new location.

    ncn-m001# CSM_TAR_PATH=/path/to/${CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz
  4. Run the script.

    ncn-m001# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.2/scripts/upgrade/ --csm-version ${CSM_RELEASE} --tarball-file "${CSM_TAR_PATH}"

Stage 0.2 - Update SLS

Abstract (Stage 0.2)

CSM 1.2.x introduces the bifurcated CAN (BICAN) as well as network configuration controlled by data in SLS. An offline upgrade of SLS data is performed. For more details on the upgrade and its sequence of events, see the SLS upgrade README.

The SLS data upgrade is a critical step in moving to CSM 1.2.x. Upgraded SLS data is used in DNS and management network configuration. For details to aid in understanding and decision making, see the Management Network User Guide.

One detail which must not be overlooked is that the existing Customer Access Network (CAN) will be migrated or retrofitted into the new Customer Management Network (CMN) while minimizing changes. A new CAN (or CHN) network is then created. Pivoting the existing CAN to the new CMN allows administrative traffic (already on the CAN) to remain as-is while moving standard user traffic to a new site-routable network. You can read more about this, as well as steps to ensure undisrupted access to UANs during upgrade, in Plan and coordinate network upgrade.

Important: If this is the first time performing the SLS update to CSM 1.2.x, review the SLS upgrade README in order to ensure the correct options for the specific environment are used. Two examples are given below. To see all options from the update script, run ./ --help.

Retrieve SLS data as JSON

  1. Obtain a token.

    ncn-m001# export TOKEN=$(curl -s -k -S -d grant_type=client_credentials -d client_id=admin-client \
                                 -d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
                                 https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token | jq -r '.access_token')
  2. Create a working directory.

    ncn-m001# mkdir /root/sls_upgrade && cd /root/sls_upgrade
  3. Extract SLS data to a file.

    ncn-m001# curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/dumpstate | jq -S . > sls_input_file.json

Migrate SLS data JSON to CSM 1.2.x

  • Example 1: The CHN as the system default route (will by default output to migrated_sls_file.json).

    ncn-m001# export DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.2/scripts/sls
    ncn-m001# ${DOCDIR}/ --sls-input-file sls_input_file.json \
                          --bican-user-network-name CHN \
                          --customer-highspeed-network REPLACE_CHN_VLAN REPLACE_CHN_IPV4_SUBNET
  • Example 2: The CAN as the system default route, keep the generated CHN (for testing), and preserve the existing external-dns entry.

    ncn-m001# export DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.2/scripts/sls
    ncn-m001# ${DOCDIR}/ --sls-input-file sls_input_file.json \
                          --bican-user-network-name CAN \
                          --customer-access-network REPLACE_CHN_VLAN REPLACE_CHN_IPV4_SUBNET \
                          --preserve-existing-subnet-for-cmn external-dns
  • Note:: A detailed review of the migrated/upgraded data (using vimdiff or otherwise) for production systems and for systems which have many add-on components (UANs, login nodes, storage integration points, etc.) is strongly recommended. Particularly, ensure that subnet reservations are correct in order to prevent any data mismatches.

Upload migrated SLS file to SLS service

If the following command does not complete successfully, check if the TOKEN environment variable is set correctly.

ncn-m001# curl --fail -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -k -L -X POST 'https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/loadstate' -F 'sls_dump=@migrated_sls_file.json'

Stage 0.3 - Upgrade management network

Verify that switches have 1.2 configuration in place

  1. Log in to each management switch.

    linux# ssh admin@
  2. Examine the text displayed when logging in to the switch.

    Specifically, look for output similar to the following:

    # CSM version:  1.2
    # CANU version: 1.3.2
    • Output like the above text means that the switches have a CANU-generated configuration for CSM 1.2 in place. In this case, follow the steps in Management Network 1.0 (1.2 Preconfig) to 1.2.
    • If the banner does NOT contain text like the above, then contact support in order to get the 1.2 Preconfig applied to the system.
    • See the Management Network User Guide for more information on the management network.
    • With the 1.2 switch configuration in place, users will only be able to SSH into the switches over the HMN.

Stage 0.4 - Prerequisites check

  1. Set the SW_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable.

    Set it to the password for admin user on the switches. This is needed for preflight tests within the check script.

    NOTE: read -s is used to prevent the password from being written to the screen or the shell history.

    ncn-m001# read -s SW_ADMIN_PASSWORD
    ncn-m001# export SW_ADMIN_PASSWORD
  2. Prevent the use of the rpcrdma module.

    This step is required. The rpcrdma kernel module needs to be ignored so that it does not interfere with Slingshot Host Software.

    Run the following script to add the necessary parameters to the kernel command line on the worker nodes.

    ncn-m001# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.2/scripts/k8s/
  3. Set the NEXUS_PASSWORD variable only if needed.

    IMPORTANT: If the password for the local Nexus admin account has been changed from the default admin123 (not typical), then set the NEXUS_PASSWORD environment variable to the correct admin password and export it, before running

    For example:

    read -s is used to prevent the password from being written to the screen or the shell history.

    ncn-m001# read -s NEXUS_PASSWORD
    ncn-m001# export NEXUS_PASSWORD

    Otherwise, a random 32-character base-64-encoded string will be generated and updated as the default admin password when Nexus is upgraded.

  4. Run the script.

    ncn-m001# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.2/scripts/upgrade/ --csm-version ${CSM_RELEASE}

    If the script ran correctly, it should end with the following output:

    [OK] - Successfully completed

    If the script does not end with this output, then try rerunning it. If it still fails, see Upgrade Troubleshooting. If the failure persists, then open a support ticket for guidance before proceeding. clears the existing CFS configuration for each Management node. As each worker node is upgraded, the documentation will refer to the CFS configuration that should be assigned to the node at that time. If any worker node is unexpectedly rebooted prior to this, or if any other type of Management node is unexpectedly rebooted prior to the end of the CSM upgrade, then CFS will not automatically personalize the node after it has booted.

  5. Unset the NEXUS_PASSWORD variable, if it was set in the earlier step.

    ncn-m001# unset NEXUS_PASSWORD
  6. (Optional) Commit changes to customizations.yaml.

    customizations.yaml has been updated in this procedure. If using an external Git repository for managing customizations as recommended, then clone a local working tree and commit appropriate changes to customizations.yaml.

    For example:

    ncn-m001# git clone <URL> site-init
    ncn-m001# cd site-init
    ncn-m001# kubectl -n loftsman get secret site-init -o jsonpath='{.data.customizations\.yaml}' | base64 -d - > customizations.yaml
    ncn-m001# git add customizations.yaml
    ncn-m001# git commit -m 'CSM 1.2 upgrade - customizations.yaml'
    ncn-m001# git push
  7. Check available space in Nexus, and free up space if needed.

    See Nexus Space Cleanup.

Stage 0.5 - Backup workload manager data

To prevent any possibility of losing workload manager configuration data or files, a backup is required. Execute all backup procedures (for the workload manager in use) located in the Troubleshooting and Administrative Tasks sub-section of the Install a Workload Manager section of the HPE Cray Programming Environment Installation Guide: CSM on HPE Cray EX. The resulting backup data should be stored in a safe location off of the system.

Stage completed

This stage is completed. Continue to Stage 1 - Ceph image upgrade.