Stage 4 - Ceph Upgrade

Reminder: If any problems are encountered and the procedure or command output does not provide relevant guidance, see Relevant troubleshooting links for upgrade-related issues.

Addresses CVEs

  • CVE-2021-3531: Swift API denial of service.
  • CVE-2021-3524: HTTP header injects via CORS in RGW..
  • CVE-2021-3509: Dashboard XSS via token cookie.
  • CVE-2021-20288: Unauthorized global_id reuse in cephx.

The upgrade includes all fixes from v15.2.9 through v15.2.15. See the Ceph version index for details.


This upgrade is performed using the ceph orchestrator. Unless otherwise noted, all ceph commands in this stage may be run on any master node or any of the first three storage nodes (ncn-s001, ncn-s002, or ncn-s003).

Initiate upgrade

  1. Check to ensure that the upgrade is possible.

    ncn-ms# ceph orch upgrade check --image registry.local/

    Example output:

        "needs_update": {
            "alertmanager.ncn-s001": {
                "current_id": "6ec9fa439af31102c9e6581cbb3d12ee2ab258dada41d40d0f8ad987e8ff266f",
                "current_name": "registry.local/",
                "current_version": "0.21.0"
            "crash.ncn-s001": {
                "current_id": "6a777b4f888c24feec6e12eeeff4ab485f2c043b415bc2213815d5fb791f2597",
                "current_name": "registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8",
                "current_version": "15.2.8"
            "crash.ncn-s002": {
                "current_id": "6a777b4f888c24feec6e12eeeff4ab485f2c043b415bc2213815d5fb791f2597",
                "current_name": "registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8",
                "current_version": "15.2.8"
            "[ ... lines omitted for readability ... ]",
            "rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s003.adrubu": {
                "current_id": "6a777b4f888c24feec6e12eeeff4ab485f2c043b415bc2213815d5fb791f2597",
                "current_name": "registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8",
                "current_version": "15.2.8"
        "target_id": "cba763a65a95e8849d578e05b111123f55a78ab096e67e8ecf7fdc98e67aea71",
        "target_name": "registry.local/",
        "target_version": "ceph version 15.2.15 (2dfb18841cfecc2f7eb7eb2afd65986ca4d95985) octopus (stable)",
        "up_to_date": []


    • This upgrade is targeting the Ceph processes running 15.2.8 only.
    • The monitoring services may be listed but those are patched internally and will not be upgraded with this upgrade.
      • This includes alertmanager, prometheus, node-exporter, and grafana.
    • The main goals of this check are to see the listed 15.2.8 services and to see the output at the bottom that confirms the presence of the 15.2.15 target image.
    • If the output does not match what is expected, then this can indicate that a previous step has failed. Review output from Stage 1 for errors or contact support.
  2. Set the container image.

    ncn-ms# ceph config set global container_image registry.local/
  3. Verify that the change has occurred.

    ncn-ms# ceph config dump -f json-pretty|jq '.[]|select(.name=="container_image")|.value'

    Expected result:

  4. Start the upgrade.

    ncn-ms# ceph orch upgrade start --image registry.local/
  5. Monitor the upgrade.

    If upgrading a larger cluster, consider splitting this into two different watch commands in separate windows.

    ncn-ms# watch "ceph -s; ceph orch ps"

Monitor upgrade

The processes running the Ceph container image will go through the upgrade process. This involves stopping the old process running the version 15.2.8 container and restarting the process with the new version 15.2.15 container image.

IMPORTANT: Only processes running the 15.2.8 image will be upgraded. This includes crash, mds, mgr, mon, osd, and rgw processes only.

UPGRADE_FAILED_PULL: Upgrade: failed to pull target image

If ceph -s shows a warning with UPGRADE_FAILED_PULL: Upgrade: failed to pull target image as the description, then perform the following procedure on any of the first three storage nodes (ncn-s001, ncn-s002, or ncn-s003).

  1. Check the upgrade status.

    ncn-s# ceph orch upgrade status

    Example output:

       "target_image": "registry.local/",
       "in_progress": true,
       "services_complete": [],
       "message": "Error: UPGRADE_FAILED_PULL: Upgrade: failed to pull target image"
  2. Pause and resume the upgrade.

    ncn-s# ceph orch upgrade pause
    ncn-s# ceph orch upgrade resume
  3. Watch cephadm.

    This command watches the cephadm logs. If the issue occurs again, it will give more details about which node may be having an issue.

    ncn-s# ceph -W cephadm
  4. If the issue occurs again, then log into each of the storage nodes and perform a podman pull of the image.

    ncn-s# podman pull registry.local/

If these steps do not resolve the issue, then contact support for further assistance.

Expected warnings

  • From ceph -s:

    health: HEALTH_WARN
            clients are using insecure global_id reclaim
            mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
  • From ceph health detail:

    HEALTH_WARN clients are using insecure global_id reclaim; mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim; 1 osds down
    [WRN] AUTH_INSECURE_GLOBAL_ID_RECLAIM: clients are using insecure global_id reclaim
        osd.4 at [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        mds.cephfs.ncn-s001.qcalye at [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        client.rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s001.lgfngf at [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        client.rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s001.lgfngf at [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        osd.0 at [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        client.rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s003.wllbbx at [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        osd.5 at [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        osd.7 at [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        client.rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s002.aanqmw at [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        client.rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s002.aanqmw at [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        client.rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s002.aanqmw a [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        osd.3 at [REDACTED]] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        mds.cephfs.ncn-s002.tdrohq at [REDACTED]] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        client.rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s003.wllbbx a [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        client.rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s001.lgfngf a [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        client.rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s003.wllbbx a [REDACTED] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        mds.cephfs.ncn-s003.ddbgzt at [REDACTED]] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        osd.8 at [REDACTED]] is using insecure global_id reclaim
        osd.1 at [REDACTED]] is using insecure global_id reclaim
    [WRN] AUTH_INSECURE_GLOBAL_ID_RECLAIM_ALLOWED: mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
        mon.ncn-s001 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true
        mon.ncn-s002 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true
        mon.ncn-s003 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true

Verify completed upgrade

Verify that the upgrade has completed using the following procedure.

  1. Verify that the upgrade is no longer in progress.

    ncn-ms# ceph orch upgrade status

    In the output of this command, validate that the in_progress field is false. If it is true, then the upgrade is still underway. In that case, retry this step after waiting for a few minutes.

    If the upgrade encountered any problems, there may be indications of this in the messages field of the command output.

    In the case of a completed upgrade without errors, the output will resemble the following:

        "target_image": null,
        "in_progress": false,
        "services_complete": [],
        "message": ""
  2. Verify that ceph health detail only shows the following:

    HEALTH_WARN mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
    [WRN] AUTH_INSECURE_GLOBAL_ID_RECLAIM_ALLOWED: mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
     mon.ncn-s001 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true
     mon.ncn-s002 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true
     mon.ncn-s003 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true
  3. Verify that ceph -s shows the following for its health:

        health: HEALTH_WARN
             mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
  4. Verify that all Ceph crash, mds, mgr, mon, osd, and rgw processes are running version 15.2.15.

    The following command will count the number of crash, mds, mgr, mon, osd, and rgw processes which are not running version 15.2.15.

    ncn-ms# ceph orch ps -f json-pretty|jq -r '[.[]|select(.version!="15.2.15")|select(.daemon_type as $d | [ "crash", "mds", "mgr", "mon", "osd", "rgw" ] | index($d))] | length'

    If the command outputs any number other than zero, then this means that not all expected processes are running 15.2.15. In that case, do the following:

    1. List the processes which are not at the expected version.

      ncn-ms# ceph orch ps -f json-pretty|jq -r '[.[]|select(.version!="15.2.15")|select(.daemon_type as $d | [ "crash", "mds", "mgr", "mon", "osd", "rgw" ] | index($d))]'
    2. Make sure the upgrade has stopped.

      ncn-ms# ceph orch upgrade stop
    3. Troubleshoot the failed upgrade.

      The upgrade is not complete. See for additional usage and troubleshooting.

  5. Verify that no processes are running version 15.2.8.

    The following command will count the number of processes which are running version 15.2.8.

    ncn-ms# ceph orch ps -f json-pretty|jq -r '[.[]|select(.version=="15.2.8")] | length'

    If the command outputs any number other than zero, then this means there are processes still running 15.2.8. In that case, do the following:

    1. List the processes which are not at the expected version.

      ncn-ms# ceph orch ps -f json-pretty|jq -r '[.[]|select(.version=="15.2.8")]'
    2. Make sure the upgrade has stopped.

      ncn-ms# ceph orch upgrade stop
    3. Troubleshoot the failed upgrade.

      The upgrade is not complete. See for additional usage and troubleshooting.

DO NOT proceed past this point if the upgrade has not completed and been verified. Contact support for in-depth troubleshooting.


  1. Disable auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim:

    ncn-ms# ceph config set mon auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim false
  2. Wait until the Ceph cluster health is HEALTH_OK.

    It may take up to 30 seconds for the health to return to HEALTH_OK.

    ncn-ms# ceph health detail

    Successful output is:


Stage completed

This stage is completed. Continue to Stage 5.