boot orchestration


  1. Boot Orchestration
  2. BOS Services
  3. BOS Workflows
  4. Compute Node Boot Issue Symptom Node Console or Logs Indicate that the Server Response has Timed Out
  5. Boot Issue Symptom Node HSN Interface Does Not Appear or Show Detected Links Detected
  6. Boot Orchestration
  7. Boot UANs
  8. BOS Commands Cheat Sheet
  9. Check the Progress of BOS Session Operations
  10. Clean Up After a BOS/BOA Job is Completed or Cancelled
  11. Clean Up Logs After a BOA Kubernetes Job
  12. Component Status
  13. BOS Components
  14. Compute Node Boot Issue Symptom Duplicate Address Warnings and Declined DHCP Offers in Logs
  15. Compute Node Boot Issue Symptom Message About Invalid EEPROM Checksum in Node Console or Log
  16. Compute Node Boot Issue Symptom Node is Not Able to Download the Required Artifacts
  17. Compute Node Boot Sequence
  18. Configure the BOS Timeout When Booting Compute Nodes
  19. Create a Session Template to Boot Compute Nodes with CPS
  20. Customize iPXE Binary Names
  21. Edit the iPXE Embedded Boot Script
  22. Exporting and Importing BOS Data
  23. Exporting and Importing BSS Data
  24. Healthy Compute Node Boot Process
  25. Kernel Boot Parameters
  26. Limit the Scope of a BOS Session
  27. BOS Limitations for Gigabyte BMC Hardware
  28. Log File Locations and Ports Used in Compute Node Boot Troubleshooting
  29. Manage a BOS Session
  30. Manage a Session Template
  31. Node Boot Root Cause Analysis
  32. BOS Options
  33. Redeploy the iPXE and TFTP Services
  34. Rolling Upgrades using BOS
  35. BOS Session Templates
  36. BOS Sessions
  37. Staging Changes with BOS
  38. Tools for Resolving Compute Node Boot Issues
  39. Troubleshoot Booting Nodes with Hardware Issues
  40. Troubleshoot Compute Node Boot Issues Related to Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
  41. Troubleshoot Compute Node Boot Issues Related to Slow Boot Times
  42. Troubleshoot Compute Node Boot Issues Related to Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
  43. Troubleshoot Compute Node Boot Issues Related to Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)
  44. Troubleshoot Compute Node Boot Issues Related to the Boot Script Service (BSS)
  45. Troubleshoot Compute Node Boot Issues Using Kubernetes
  46. Troubleshoot UAN Boot Issues
  47. Upload Node Boot Information to Boot Script Service (BSS)
  48. View the Status of a BOS Session