Configure the BOS Timeout When Booting Compute Nodes

NOTE This section is for Boot Orchestration Service (BOS) v1 only. For similar functionality in BOS v2 see the BOS v2 Options.

Manually update the boa-job-template ConfigMap to tune the timeout and sleep intervals for the Boot Orchestration Agent (BOA). Correcting the timeout value is a good troubleshooting option for when BOS sessions hang waiting for nodes to be in a Ready state.

If the BOS timeout occurs when booting compute nodes, the system will be unable to boot via BOS.


A BOS session was run and compute nodes are failing to move to a Ready state.


  1. (ncn-mw#) Edit the boa-job-template ConfigMap to add the new timeout values.

    kubectl edit configmap -n services boa-job-template

    Node boots can be set to time out faster by adding the following environment variables to the boa-job-template. These variables do not appear in the ConfigMap by default.

      • BOA will check on the expected state of nodes this many times before giving up. This number can be set to a very low number to make BOA time-out quickly.
      • This is how long BOA will sleep between checks, in seconds. This number can be set to a very low number to make BOA time-out quickly.

    The current default behavior in the absence of these parameters is 5 seconds (sleep interval) x 120 (retries), which has a timeout of 600 seconds or 10 minutes. The default values are shown below:

      value: "120"
      value: "5"

    The example below increases the number of retries to 360, which results in a timeout of 1800 seconds or 30 minutes if the sleep interval is not changed from the default value of 5 seconds. Different values might be needed depending on system size.

    Add the following values to the ConfigMap:

      value: "360"

    The new variables need to be placed under the environment (env:) section in the ConfigMap. As an example, the env section in the ConfigMap looks as below.

        - name: OPERATION
         value: "{{ operation }}"
        - name: SESSION_ID
         value:  "{{ session_id }}"
        - name: SESSION_TEMPLATE_ID
         value:  "{{ session_template_id }}"
        - name: SESSION_LIMIT
         value:  "{{ session_limit }}"
        - name: DATABASE_NAME
         value: "{{ DATABASE_NAME }}"
        - name: DATABASE_PORT
         value: "{{ DATABASE_PORT }}"
        - name: LOG_LEVEL
         value: "{{ log_level  }}"
        - name: SINGLE_THREAD_MODE
         value: "{{ single_thread_mode }}"
        - name: S3_ACCESS_KEY
             name: {{ s3_credentials }}
             key: access_key
        - name: S3_SECRET_KEY
             name: {{ s3_credentials }}
             key: secret_key
        - name: GIT_SSL_CAINFO
         value: /etc/cray/ca/certificate_authority.crt
        - name: S3_PROTOCOL
         value: "{{ S3_PROTOCOL }}"
        - name: S3_GATEWAY
         value: "{{ S3_GATEWAY }}"
         value: "360"**
  2. (ncn-mw#) Restart BOA.

    Restarting BOA will allow the new timeout values to take effect.

    kubectl scale deployment -n services cray-bos --replicas=0 && kubectl scale deployment -n services cray-bos --replicas=1