Complete Reset of the Console Services

At times the easiest way to get console services back up and running is to do a complete reset of the services. There is no persistent state so there is no backup/restore operation needed.

NOTE The console connections to all nodes will be disrupted for the duration of this procedure. Any active console sessions will be terminated and no console logging will occur. The existing console log files will be retained, but there will be a gap in the log file coverage.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Find the cray-console-operator pod.

    The cray-console-operator pod controls the other pods in the console services. This pod will be used to control the other pods.

    OP_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n services \
            -o wide|grep cray-console-operator|awk '{print $1}')
    echo $OP_POD

    Example output:

  2. Suspend the cray-console-operator and clear the current data.

    1. (ncn-mw#) Exec into the cray-console-operator pod.

      kubectl -n services exec -it $OP_POD -c cray-console-operator -- sh
    2. (pod#) Source the helper function file.

      source /app/bashrc
    3. (pod#) Suspend the current updates.

    4. (pod#) Clear the current status data in the database.

    5. (pod#) Exit from the cray-console-operator pod.

  3. (ncn-mw#) Scale down the cray-console-node pods.

    kubectl -n services scale --replicas=0 statefulset/cray-console-node
  4. (ncn-mw#) (Optional) Reinstall the cray-console-data service.

    If the database has been irretrievably harmed, it may be completely uninstalled and re-installed to restore it to a functional state. It only contains current state data so there is no need to backup and restore information. It will be automatically repopulated when the services start back up again.

    1. Find the current version of the installed cray-console-data service.

      helm -n services history cray-console-data

      Example output:

      REVISION  UPDATED                   STATUS      CHART                    APP VERSION  DESCRIPTION
      1         Tue May 16 21:39:34 2023  superseded  cray-console-data-1.6.3  1.6.3        Install complete
      2         Wed Jun 28 21:05:49 2023  deployed    cray-console-data-2.0.0  2.0.0        Upgrade complete

      Make note of the latest APP VERSION as it will be needed later.

    2. Create a manifest file for re-installing the cray-console-data service.

      cat > cray-console-data.yaml << EOF
      apiVersion: manifests/v1beta1
        name: cray-console-data-20230712194246
        - name: cray-console-data
          namespace: services
          version: 2.0.0

      Make sure the version in the file cray-console-data.yaml matches the latest installed version from the previous step.

    3. Uninstall the cray-console-data service.

      helm -n services uninstall cray-console-data

      Example output:

      release "cray-console-data" uninstalled
    4. Wait for the cray-console-data services to complete the uninstall.

      watch 'kubectl -n services get pods | grep console'

      When the uninstall starts there will be pods in the process of terminating. Example output starting the uninstall process:

      Every 2.0s: kubectl -n services get pods | grep console
      cray-console-data-65ccc6f988-v9sss                 2/2     Running        0    30m
      cray-console-data-postgres-0                       3/3     Running        0    30m
      cray-console-data-postgres-1                       3/3     Terminating    0    29m
      cray-console-data-wait-for-postgres-1-dv5t4        0/2     Completed      0    30m
      cray-console-operator-6d4d5b84d9-66svs             2/2     Running        0    24m

      Wait for all the cray-console-data pods to terminate. Example output when complete:

      Every 2.0s: kubectl -n services get pods | grep console
      cray-console-operator-6d4d5b84d9-66svs             2/2     Running        0    24m
    5. Reinstall the cray-console-data service.

      loftsman ship --charts-repo https://packages.local/repository/charts --manifest-path cray-console-data.yaml

      Example output:

      2023-07-12T19:57:08Z INF Initializing the connection to the Kubernetes cluster using KUBECONFIG (system default), and context (current-context) command=ship
      2023-07-12T19:57:08Z INF Initializing helm client object command=ship
              | \
              |  \
              |___\      Shipping your Helm workloads with Loftsman
      2023-07-12T19:57:08Z INF Ensuring that the loftsman namespace exists command=ship
      2023-07-12T19:57:08Z INF Loftsman will use the charts repo at https://packages.local/repository/charts as the
      Helm install source command=ship
      2023-07-12T19:57:08Z INF Running a release for the provided manifest at /root/dlaine/tmp/cray-console-data-customized.yaml command=ship
      Releasing cray-console-data v1.6.3
      2023-07-12T19:57:08Z INF Running helm install/upgrade with arguments: upgrade --install cray-console-data
      https://packages.local/repository/charts/cray-console-data-1.6.3.tgz --namespace services --create-namespace
      --set --set global.chart.version=1.6.3 chart=cray-console-data
      command=ship namespace=services version=1.6.3
      2023-07-12T19:57:15Z INF Release "cray-console-data" does not exist. Installing it now.
      NAME: cray-console-data
      LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jul 12 19:57:14 2023
      NAMESPACE: services
      STATUS: deployed
      REVISION: 1
      TEST SUITE: None
      chart=cray-console-data command=ship namespace=services version=1.6.3
      2023-07-12T19:57:15Z INF Ship status: success. Recording status, manifest to configmap 
      loftsman-cray-console-data-20230712194246 in namespace loftsman command=ship
      2023-07-12T19:57:15Z INF Recording log data to configmap loftsman-cray-console-data-20230712194246-ship-log in
      namespace loftsman command=ship
    6. Wait for the cray-console-data services to start.

      watch 'kubectl -n services get pods | grep console'

      When the install starts there will be pods in the process of starting. Example output starting the install process:

      Every 2.0s: kubectl -n services get pods | grep console
      cray-console-data-65ccc6f988-v9sss                 0/2     Init              0    15s
      cray-console-data-postgres-0                       0/3     PodInitializing   0    10s
      cray-console-data-wait-for-postgres-1-dv5t4        0/2     Completed         0    50s
      cray-console-operator-6d4d5b84d9-66svs             2/2     Running           0    45m

      Wait for all the cray-console-data pods to transition to Running. Example output when complete:

      Every 2.0s: kubectl -n services get pods | grep console
      cray-console-data-65ccc6f988-v9sss           2/2     Running     0    80s
      cray-console-data-postgres-0                 3/3     Running     0    8m
      cray-console-data-postgres-1                 3/3     Running     0    7m
      cray-console-data-postgres-2                 3/3     Running     0    5m
      cray-console-data-wait-for-postgres-1-dv5t4  0/2     Completed   0    10m
      cray-console-operator-6d4d5b84d9-66svs       2/2     Running     0    55m
  5. (ncn-mw#) Delete the cray-console-operator pod.

    The cray-console-operator deployment will automatically create a new pod and on startup it will repopulate the cray-console-data service with the current node inventory, then scale up the number of cray-console-node pods to match the requirements of the system.

    kubectl -n services delete pod $OP_POD

    NOTE: the name of the current cray-console-operator pod will change when the new pod starts up. Re-fetch the value of $OP_POD if needed after this step.

  6. (ncn-mw#) Wait for the full set of console pods to transition to Running.

    watch 'kubectl -n services get pods | grep console'

    Watch for the cray-console-node pods to scale up. Example output when the system is still updating:

    Every 2.0s: kubectl -n services get pods | grep console
    cray-console-data-65ccc6f988-v9sss           2/2     Running     0    80s
    cray-console-data-postgres-0                 3/3     Running     0    8m
    cray-console-data-postgres-1                 3/3     Running     0    7m
    cray-console-data-postgres-2                 3/3     Running     0    5m
    cray-console-data-wait-for-postgres-1-dv5t4  0/2     Completed   0    10m
    cray-console-operator-6d4d5b84d9-66svs       1/2     Running     0    30s

    Wait for all the cray-console-nodes pods to transition to Running. Example output when complete:

    Every 2.0s: kubectl -n services get pods | grep console
    cray-console-data-65ccc6f988-v9sss           2/2     Running     0    10m
    cray-console-data-postgres-0                 3/3     Running     0    18m
    cray-console-data-postgres-1                 3/3     Running     0    17m
    cray-console-data-postgres-2                 3/3     Running     0    15m
    cray-console-data-wait-for-postgres-1-dv5t4  0/2     Completed   0    20m
    cray-console-node-0                          3/3     Running     0    60s
    cray-console-node-1                          3/3     Running     0    30s
    cray-console-operator-6d4d5b84d9-66svs       2/2     Running     0    65m

The cray-console-node pods may take a couple of minutes to get nodes assigned to them and start the console connections.