Troubleshoot ConMan Failing to Connect to a Console

There are many reasons that ConMan may not be able to connect to a specific console. This procedure outlines several things to check that may impact the connectivity with a console.


This procedure requires administrative privileges.


  1. (ncn-mw#) Find the cray-console-operator pod.

    OP_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n services -o wide|grep cray-console-operator|awk '{print $1}')
    echo ${OP_POD}

    Example output:

  2. (ncn-mw#) Set the XNAME variable to the component name (xname) of the node whose console is of interest.

  3. (ncn-mw#) Find the cray-console-node pod that is connecting with the console.

    NODE_POD=$(kubectl -n services exec "${OP_POD}" -c cray-console-operator -- sh -c "/app/get-node ${XNAME}" | jq .podname | sed 's/"//g')
    echo ${NODE_POD}

    Example output:

  4. Check for general network availability.

    If the Kubernetes worker node hosting a cray-console-node pod cannot access the network address of a console, then the connection will fail.

    1. (ncn-mw#) Find the worker node on which this pod is running.

      WNODE=$(kubectl get pods -o custom-columns=:.spec.nodeName -n services --no-headers "${NODE_POD}")
      echo ${WNODE}

      Example output:

    2. (ncn-mw#) SSH to the worker node that the pod is running on.

      ssh "${WNODE}"
    3. (ncn-w#) Check that the BMC for this node is accessible from this worker.

      The component name (xname) of the BMC is the same as the node, but with the node designation at the end removed. For example, if the node is x3000c0s15b0n0, then the BMC is x3000c0s15b0.

      ping BMC_XNAME

      Example output:

      PING x3000c0s7b0.hmn ( 56(84) bytes of data.
      From ncn-m002.hmn ( icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
      From ncn-m002.hmn ( icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
      From ncn-m002.hmn ( icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
      From ncn-m002.hmn ( icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable

      This indicates that there is a network issue between the worker node and the node of interest. When the issue is resolved, the console connection will be reestablished automatically.

  5. Check for something else using the serial console connection.

    For IPMI-based connections, there can only be one active connection at a time. If something else has taken that connection, then ConMan will not be able to connect to it.

    1. (ncn-mw#) Check the log information for the node.

      kubectl -n services logs "${NODE_POD}" cray-console-node | grep "${XNAME}"

      If something else is using the connection, then there will be log entries like the following:

      2021/05/20 15:42:43 INFO:      Console [x3000c0s15b0n0] disconnected from <x3000c0s15b0>
      2021/05/20 15:43:23 INFO:      Unable to connect to <x3000c0s15b0> via IPMI for [x3000c0s15b0n0]: connection timeout
      2021/05/20 15:44:24 INFO:      Unable to connect to <x3000c0s15b0> via IPMI for [x3000c0s15b0n0]: SOL in use
      2021/05/20 15:45:23 INFO:      Unable to connect to <x3000c0s15b0> via IPMI for [x3000c0s15b0n0]: SOL in use
      2021/05/20 16:13:25 INFO:      Unable to connect to <x3000c0s15b0> via IPMI for [x3000c0s15b0n0]: SOL in use
    2. (ncn-mw#) Force the connection to become available again.

      The BMC username and password must be known for this command to work.

      NOTE read -s is used to prevent the password from appearing in the command history.

      read -r -s -p "BMC ${IPMI_USERNAME} password: " IPMI_PASSWORD
      export IPMI_PASSWORD='Actual IMPI Password'
      ipmitool -H <BMC_XNAME> -U "${USERNAME}" -P "${IPMI_USERNAME}" -E -I lanplus sol deactivate
    3. Retry ConMan to verify that the connection has been reestablished.

  6. Ensure that HPE iLO nodes have IPMI enabled.

    HPE iLO nodes sometimes ship with IPMI disabled. If that is the case, the console services will not be able to interact with them. To check the state of the BMC, follow the directions in Enable IPMI Access on HPE iLO BMCs.

  7. (ncn-mw#) Ensure that River nodes have IPMI enabled.

    If the error Error activating SOL payload: Invalid data field in request is seen, check the setting of the sol payload on this node.

    ipmitool -H <BMC_XNAME> -U "${USERNAME}" -P "${IPMI_USERNAME}" -I lanplus sol info 3 | grep Enabled

    This will return the Enabled status:

    Enabled                         : false


    Enabled                         : true

    If this is not enabled, then enable it:

    ipmitool -H <BMC_XNAME> -U "${USERNAME}" -P "${IPMI_USERNAME}" -I lanplus sol set enabled true

    Try the connection to the problematic node again.

  8. Reset the node information cached in the node pod.

    The password (for air-cooled nodes only) and IP address of the BMC is cached at the time the connection is initially made. Sometimes if this information is changed after a connection has been established, it will continue to use the out of date information and fail to connect. This information can be reset by forcing a restart of the conmand process.

    1. (ncn-mw#) Exec into the node pod the node is assigned to.

      kubectl -n services exec -it "${NODE_POD}" -c cray-console-node -- bash

      Expected output:

    2. (pod#) Find the conmand process ID.

      ps -ax | grep conmand | grep -v grep

      Example output:

         97 ?        Sl    45:36 conmand -F -v -c /etc/conman.conf
    3. Kill the conmand process.

      kill PROCESS_ID
    4. (pod#) Wait for the process to restart.

      ps -ax | grep conmand | grep -v grep

      This command gives no output until the conmand process has restarted. Do not proceed to the next step until the process has restarted. At that point, the output will resemble the following:

      81518 ?        Sl     0:00 conmand -F -v -c /etc/conman.conf
  9. Try the connection to the problematic node again.