
containerd is a container runtime (systemd service) that runs on the host. It is used to run containers on the Kubernetes platform.

/var/lib/containerd filling up

In older versions of containerd, there are cases where the /var/lib/containerd directory fills up. In the event that this occurs, the following steps can be used to remediate the issue.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Restart containerd on the NCN.

    Whether or not this resolves the space issue, if this is a worker NCN, then also see the notes in the Restarting containerd on a worker NCN section for subsequent steps that must be taken after containerd is restarted.

    systemctl restart containerd

    Many times this will free up space in /var/lib/containerd – if not, then proceed to the next step.

  2. (ncn-mw#) Restart kubelet on the NCN.

    systemctl restart kubelet

    If restarting kubelet fails to free up space in /var/lib/containerd, then proceed to the next step.

  3. (ncn-mw#) Prune unused container images on the NCN.

    crictl rmi --prune

    Any unused images will be pruned. If still encountering disk space issues in /var/lib/containerd, then proceed to the next step to reboot the NCN.

  4. Reboot the NCN.

    Follow the Reboot NCNs process to properly cordon/drain the NCN and reboot. Generally this will free up space in /var/lib/containerd.

Restarting containerd on a worker NCN

If the containerd service is restarted on a worker node, then this may cause the sonar-jobs-watcher pod running on that worker node to fail when attempting to cleanup unneeded containers. The following procedure determines if this is the case and remediates it, if necessary.

  1. (ncn-mw#) Retrieve the name of the sonar-jobs-watcher pod that is running on this worker node.

    Modify the following command to specify the name of the specific worker NCN where containerd was restarted.

    kubectl get pods -l name=sonar-jobs-watcher -n services -o wide | grep ncn-w001

    Example output:

    sonar-jobs-watcher-8z6th   1/1     Running   0          95d    ncn-w001   <none>           <none>
  2. (ncn-mw#) View the logs for the sonar-jobs-watcher pod.

    Modify the following command to specify the pod name identified in the previous step.

    kubectl logs sonar-jobs-watcher-8z6th -n services

    Example output:

    Found pod cray-dns-unbound-manager-1631116980-h69h6 with restartPolicy 'Never' and container 'manager' with status 'Completed'
    All containers of job pod cray-dns-unbound-manager-1631116980-h69h6 has completed. Killing istio-proxy (1c65dacb960c2f8ff6b07dfc9780c4621beb8b258599453a08c246bbe680c511) to allow job to complete
    time="2021-09-08T16:44:18Z" level=fatal msg="failed to connect: failed to connect, make sure you are running as root and the runtime has been started: context deadline exceeded"

    When this occurs, pods that are running on the node where containerd was restarted may remain in a NotReady state and never complete.

  3. (ncn-mw#) Check if pods are stuck in a NotReady state.

    kubectl get pods -o wide -A | grep NotReady

    Example output:

    services      cray-dns-unbound-manager-1631116980-h69h6             1/2   NotReady  0     10m  ncn-w001  <none>      <none>
  4. (ncn-mw#) If any pods are stuck in a NotReady state, then restart the sonar-jobs-watcher daemonset to resolve the issue.

    kubectl rollout restart -n services daemonset sonar-jobs-watcher

    Expected output:

    daemonset.apps/sonar-jobs-watcher restarted
  5. (ncn-mw#) Verify that the restart completed successfully.

    kubectl rollout status -n services daemonset sonar-jobs-watcher

    Expected output:

    daemon set "sonar-jobs-watcher" successfully rolled out

Once the sonar-jobs-watcher pods restart, any pods that were in a NotReady state should complete within about a minute.

To learn more in general about containerd, refer to the containerd documentation.