Multi-Tenancy Support


IMPORTANT Beginning in the CSM 1.3 release, this feature is offered as a preview only, and is not considered production-ready. This first release should be considered soft multi-tenancy, with additional functionality which hardens this feature in subsequent releases. Soft multi-tenancy is defined as tenants that are hospitable, analogous to business units (as opposed to different companies), and the tenants are not considered to have malicious intent.


Hierarchical Namespace Controller (HNC)

See Cray HNC Manager for specifics of how to configure the HNC for CSM deployments.

Tenant and Partition Management System (TAPMS)

tapms is the primary Kubernetes Operator for the multi-tenancy solution. Creating and modifying a tenant is accomplished by creating a Tenant custom resource, which is managed and reconciled by tapms. See TAPMS Overview for details on this Kubernetes Operator.

Slurm operator

The Slurm operator can be used to deploy the Slurm workload manager within a tenant. See Slurm Operator for details.

Getting started

Below are common activities performed by an infrastructure administrator for managing a tenant’s lifecycle.

Create a tenant

See Create a Tenant for how to create a tenant using the Tenant custom resource definition (CRD) which is managed by the tapms.

Modify a tenant

See Modify a Tenant for how to modify a tenant after initial creation. Tenants can be modified to add/remove xnames from the tenant, as well as additions/deletions to the childNamespaces list.

Remove a tenant

See Remove a Tenant for how to remove a tenant when it is no longer needed.

Tenant administrator configuration

For information on how to configure a user to perform tenant administration functions, see Tenant Administrator Configuration. Users configured as Tenant Administrators can modify xname assignments (and other changes to the tapms custom resource) for one or more tenants.