TAPMS (Tenant and Partition Management System) Overview


tapms is the primary Kubernetes operator through which tenant creation and management is handled. This operator interacts with several other services in the CSM software stack to provision the necessary components for a given tenant. This document gives an overview of its functionality.

Tenant schema

See the Tenant Custom Resource Definition for the full schema. Below is a description of the required fields for a tenant:

Field Description
tenantname Name of the tenant. See Tenant naming requirements for restrictions on tenant naming.
childnamespaces List of namespaces that should be created for the tenant. These namespaces be created with the name specified here, prepended with the required HNC prefix.
tenantresources.type Only compute is supported in the initial release of tapms.
tenantresources.hsmgrouplabel The name of the HSM group label for the xnames specified below (mutually exclusive from hsmpartitionname).
tenantresources.hsmpartitionname The name of the HSM partition to create and assignments for the xnames specified below (mutually exclusive from hsmgrouplabel).
tenantresources.enforceexclusivehsmgroups If true, tenants that share this setting will not be allowed to specify the same xname (only appropriate if hsmgrouplabel is also specified).
tenantresources.xnames List of compute component names (xnames) that this tenant is allowed to use for running jobs.

Reconcile operations

When a tenant CR is applied, tapms will:

  1. Create a tenant and Kubernetes namespace with the specified name. Note that when hnc is deployed, it will be configured with a required prefix for tenant names ensuring that namespaces not associated with multi-tenancy are not managed by hnc. The default prefix is vcluster, and this can be changed during the deployment of the cray-hnc-manager Helm chart.
  2. Create namespaces specified in the childnamespaces with the tenant-specific prefix.
  3. Add the specified xnames to an HSM group or partition.
  4. Apply the valued specified in hsmgrouplabel
  5. If the enforceexclusivehsmgroups flag is true, tapms will ensure xnames cannot be specified in multiple tenants (that also have the flag set to true for their hsmgrouplabel).
  6. Create a Keycloak group with the name <tenant-name>-tenant-admin which can be assigned to users intended to be tenant administrators.

Tenant states

tapms will report one of the following states for a tenant, depending on the current state of the tenant:

State Description
New tapms has begun reconciliation for a newly created tenant.
Deploying tapms is in the process of deploying the tenant.
Deployed The tenant reconciliation is complete (from the perspective of tapms).
Deleting tapms has begun deleting the tenant.