When defining end-to-end behavior via CoS or DSCP, different priorities of traffic must be placed in different queues so the network device can service them appropriately. Separate queues allow delay- or jitter-sensitive traffic to be serviced before bulk or less time-critical traffic.
Queue policies configure which queues the different priorities of traffic will use. Queues are numbered in priority order, with zero being the lowest priority. The larger the queue number, the higher the priority of that queue.
Schedule policies configure the order of the queues from which packets are removed (de-queued) for transmitting. The schedule discipline is the algorithm the scheduler employs each round it must select the next packet for transmission. The supported scheduling disciplines are:
Create a profile:
qos queue-profile NAME
qos schedule-profile NAME
Apply a profile:
apply qos queue-profile NAME schedule-profile NAME
Configure a profile:
map queue <0-7> local-priority <0-7>
strict queue <0-7>
wfq queue <0-7> weight <0-253>
Show commands to validate functionality:
show interface IFACE queues
show qos queue-profile [QUEUE-NAME]
show qos schedule-profile [SCHED-NAME]
commands is correctqos queue-profile VOICE-Q-PROFILE
map queue 0 local-priority 0
map queue 1 local-priority 1
map queue 2 local-priority 2
map queue 3 local-priority 3
map queue 4 local-priority 4
map queue 5 local-priority 6
map queue 6 local-priority 7
map queue 7 local-priority 5
qos schedule-profile VOICE-SCHED-PROFILE
wfq queue 0 weight 3
wfq queue 1 weight 6
wfq queue 2 weight 12
wfq queue 3 weight 25
wfq queue 4 weight 50
wfq queue 5 weight 100
wfq queue 6 weight 200
strict queue 7