Fresh Install

Use this procedure for either a first-time install or in the event a previous CSM was wiped and requires a new install.

Before continuing with install, make sure that CANU is running the most current version:

Install/Upgrade CANU


CAUTION: All of the following steps should be done using an out-of-band connection. This process is disruptive and will require downtime.

  1. Upgrade switch firmware to specified firmware version.

    Refer to Update Management Network Firmware.

  2. If the system had a previous version of CSM on it, you need to backup all custom configuration and credential configuration.

    Refer to Backup a Custom Configuration.

  3. If the switches have any configuration, it is recommenced to erase it before adding any new configuration.

    Refer to Wipe Management Switch Configuration.

  4. Validate the SHCD.

    The SHCD defines the topology of a Shasta system, this is needed when generating switch configurations. Refer to Validate the SHCD.

  5. Validate cabling between SHCD generated data and actual switch configuration.

    Refer to Validate Cabling.

  6. Generate the switch configuration file(s).

    Refer to Generate Switch Configurations.

  7. Apply the configuration to switch.

    Refer to Apply Switch Configurations.

  8. Apply the custom configuration to switch, which includes site connection and credential info.

    Refer to one of the following procedures:

    Apply Custom Switch Configurations 1.0 Apply Custom Switch Configurations 1.2

  9. Setup connection to the site.

    Refer to Setup Site Connection.

  10. Check the differences between the generated configurations and the configurations on the system.

    Refer to Validate Switch Configurations.

  11. Run a suite of tests against the management network switches.

    Refer to Network Tests.