Remove a master, worker, or storage NCN from current roles. Select the procedure below based on the node type, complete the remaining steps to wipe the drives, and then power off the node.
IMPORTANT: The following procedures assume that the variables from the prerequisites section have been set.
Determine if the master node being removed is the first master node.
) Fetch the defined first-master-hostname
cray bss bootparameters list --hosts Global --format json |jq -r '.[]."cloud-init"."meta-data"."first-master-hostname"'
Example output:
) Reconfigure the Boot Script Service (BSS) to point to a new first master node.
cray bss bootparameters list --name Global --format=json | jq '.[]' > Global.json
Edit the Global.json
file and edit the indicated line.
Change the first-master-hostname
value to another node that will be promoted to the first master node.
For example, in order to change the first master node to ncn-m001
, then change the line to the following:
"first-master-hostname": "ncn-m001",
) Get a token to interact with BSS using the REST API.
TOKEN=$(curl -s -S -d grant_type=client_credentials -d client_id=admin-client \
-d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token \
| jq -r '.access_token')
) Do a PUT
action for the new JSON file.
curl -i -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
"https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/bss/boot/v1/bootparameters" -X PUT -d @./Global.json
Ensure that a good response, such as HTTP code 200
, is returned in the curl
Configure the newly promoted first master node so it is able to have other nodes join the cluster.
Use SSH to log in to the newly promoted master node chosen in the previous steps.
) Copy/paste the following script to a file, and then execute it.
source /srv/cray/scripts/metal/
export KUBERNETES_VERSION="v$(cat /etc/cray/kubernetes/version)"
echo $(kubeadm init phase upload-certs --upload-certs 2>&1 | tail -1) > /etc/cray/kubernetes/certificate-key
export CERTIFICATE_KEY=$(cat /etc/cray/kubernetes/certificate-key)
export MAX_PODS_PER_NODE=$(craysys metadata get kubernetes-max-pods-per-node)
export PODS_CIDR=$(craysys metadata get kubernetes-pods-cidr)
export SERVICES_CIDR=$(craysys metadata get kubernetes-services-cidr)
envsubst < /srv/cray/resources/common/kubeadm.cfg > /etc/cray/kubernetes/kubeadm.yaml
kubeadm token create --print-join-command > /etc/cray/kubernetes/join-command 2>/dev/null
echo "$(cat /etc/cray/kubernetes/join-command) --control-plane --certificate-key $(cat /etc/cray/kubernetes/certificate-key)" > /etc/cray/kubernetes/join-command-control-plane
mkdir -p /srv/cray/scripts/kubernetes
cat > /srv/cray/scripts/kubernetes/ <<'EOF'
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
if [[ "$1" != "skip-upload-certs" ]]; then
kubeadm init phase upload-certs --upload-certs --config /etc/cray/kubernetes/kubeadm.yaml
kubeadm token create --print-join-command > /etc/cray/kubernetes/join-command 2>/dev/null
echo "$(cat /etc/cray/kubernetes/join-command) --control-plane --certificate-key $(cat /etc/cray/kubernetes/certificate-key)" \
> /etc/cray/kubernetes/join-command-control-plane
chmod +x /srv/cray/scripts/kubernetes/
/srv/cray/scripts/kubernetes/ skip-upload-certs
echo "0 */1 * * * root /srv/cray/scripts/kubernetes/ >> /var/log/cray/cron.log 2>&1" > /etc/cron.d/cray-k8s-token-certs-refresh
cp /srv/cray/resources/common/ /usr/bin/
chmod +x /usr/bin/
echo "0 */2 * * * root KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf /usr/bin/ >> /var/log/cray/cron.log 2>&1" > /etc/cron.d/cray-k8s-cronjob-kicker
) Run the following command on the node being removed. The command can be run from a ConMan console window.
kubeadm reset --force
Run the commands in this section on the node being removed. The commands can be run from a ConMan console window.
) List any containers running in containerd
crictl ps
Example output:
66a78adf6b4c2 18b6035f5a9ce About a minute ago Running spire-bundle 1212 6d89f7dee8ab6
7680e4050386d c8344c866fa55 24 hours ago Running speaker 0 5460d2bffb4d7
b6467c907f063 8e6730a2b718c 3 days ago Running request-ncn-join-token 0 a3a9ca9e1ca78
e8ce2d1a8379f 64d4c06dc3fb4 3 days ago Running istio-proxy 0 6d89f7dee8ab6
c3d4811fc3cd0 0215a709bdd9b 3 days ago Running weave-npc 0 f5e25c12e617e
) If there are any running containers from the output of the crictl ps
command, then stop them.
crictl stop <container id from the CONTAINER column>
IMPORTANT: Run this command from a master or worker node that is NOT being deleted.
) Remove the master node from the Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl delete node "${NODE}"
) Determine the member ID of the master node being removed.
Run the following command and find the line with the name of the master being removed. Note the member ID and IP address for use in subsequent steps.
On any master node:
etcdctl --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
--key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.key --endpoints=localhost:2379 member list
) Remove the master node from the Etcd cluster backing Kubernetes.
Replace the <MEMBER_ID>
value with the value returned in the previous sub-step.
etcdctl --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
--key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.key --endpoints=localhost:2379 member remove <MEMBER_ID>
) Stop kubelet
, containerd
, and Etcd services on the master node being removed.
systemctl stop kubelet.service
systemctl stop containerd.service
systemctl stop etcd.service
) This will allow the node to rejoin the cluster automatically when it gets added back.
address value with the IP address noted in an earlier step from the etcdctl
variable is set.etcdctl --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
--key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.key --endpoints=localhost:2379 member add "${NODE}" \
) Remove the Etcd data directory on the master node being removed.
rm -rf /var/lib/etcd/*
configuration from ncn-m001
Skip this step if ncn-m001
is not being removed.
) Save a copy of the lan0
configuration from ncn-m001
only if ncn-m001
is being removed.
rsync /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-lan0 ncn-m002:/tmp/ifcfg-lan0-m001
The master node role removal is complete. Proceed to Disable disk boots.
) Drain the node in order to clear any pods running on the node.
IMPORTANT: The following command will cordon and drain the node.
kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets --delete-local-data "${NODE}"
There may be pods that cannot be gracefully evicted due to Pod Disruption Budgets (PDB). For example:
error when evicting pod "<pod>" (will retry after 5s): Cannot evict pod as it would violate the pod's disruption budget.
In this case, there are some options. If the service is scalable, the scale can be increased. The goal is to get another pod to start up on another node, allowing the drain to delete the original pod.
) However, it will probably be necessary to force the deletion of the pod:
kubectl delete pod [-n <namespace>] --force --grace-period=0 <pod>
This will delete the offending pod, and Kubernetes should schedule a replacement on another node. Then rerun the kubectl drain
and it should report that the node is drained.
) Run the following command on the node being removed. The command can be run from a ConMan console window.
kubeadm reset --force
Run the commands in this section on the node being removed. The commands can be run from a ConMan console window.
) List any containers running in containerd
crictl ps
Example output:
66a78adf6b4c2 18b6035f5a9ce About a minute ago Running spire-bundle 1212 6d89f7dee8ab6
7680e4050386d c8344c866fa55 24 hours ago Running speaker 0 5460d2bffb4d7
b6467c907f063 8e6730a2b718c 3 days ago Running request-ncn-join-token 0 a3a9ca9e1ca78
e8ce2d1a8379f 64d4c06dc3fb4 3 days ago Running istio-proxy 0 6d89f7dee8ab6
c3d4811fc3cd0 0215a709bdd9b 3 days ago Running weave-npc 0 f5e25c12e617e
) If there are any running containers from the output of the crictl ps
command, then stop them.
crictl stop <container id from the CONTAINER column>
) Remove the worker node from the Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl delete node "${NODE}"
) Check that no pods are running on the worker node being removed.
kubectl get pods -A -o wide | grep "${NODE}"
If no pods are returned, then proceed to the next step. Otherwise, wait for any remaining pods to terminate.
devices on the worker nodeEnsure that there are no mapped rbd
devices on the worker node being removed.
) Run the following command on the node being removed. The command can be run from a ConMan console window.
rbd showmapped
If mapped devices still exist, then perform the
Stop running containers on worker node being removed step again.
If devices are still mapped, then forcibly unmap them using rbd unmap -o force /dev/rbd#
where /dev/rbd#
is the device that is still returned as mapped.
The worker node role removal is complete. Proceed to Disable disk boots.
Open a new tab and follow the Remove Ceph Node procedure in order to remove Ceph role from the storage node.
Once the storage node role removal is complete, then proceed to Disable disk boots.
The disk bootloader must be disabled to ensure that the node fetches an updated configuration and image from CSM. This is a preventative measure in the event that the boot order on the target NCNs are inconsistent.
) Create a script to copy out to the NCNs.
Create /tmp/
Give it the following contents:
efibootmgr | grep '(UEFI OS|cray)' | awk -F'[^0-9]*' '{print $0}' | sed 's/^Boot//g' | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d '*' | xargs -r -i efibootmgr -b {} -B
ipmitool chassis bootdev pxe options=efiboot
Make the script executable.
chmod +x /tmp/
) Copy the script and invoke it
To run on one NCN:
Modify the include
variable in the following section to reflect the actual targeted NCN.
scp /tmp/ "${target_ncn}":/tmp
ssh "${include}" /tmp/
To run on more than 1 NCN:
Modify the include
variable in the following section to reflect the actual targeted NCNs.
readarray NCNS < <(grep -oP 'ncn-\w\d+' /etc/hosts | grep -P "(${include})" | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -u | tr -t '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ *$//g')
for ncn in "${NCNS[@]}"; do
scp /tmp/ "${ncn}":/tmp
pdsh -b -w "$(printf "%s" "${NCNS[@]}")" '/tmp/'
IMPORTANT: Run these commands from a node NOT being powered off.
) Set the BMC
variable to the hostname of the BMC of the node being powered off.
) For ncn-m001
only: Collect and record the BMC IP address for ncn-m001
and the CMN IP address for ncn-m002
Do this before ncn-m001
is powered off. These may be needed later.
Record the BMC IP address for ncn-m001
BMC_IP=$(ipmitool lan print | grep 'IP Address' | grep -v 'Source' | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
echo ${BMC_IP}
Example output:
Record the CMN IP address for ncn-m002
CMN_IP=$(ssh ncn-m002 ip -4 a show bond0.cmn0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d / -f1)
echo ${CMN_IP}
Example output:
) Set and export the root
user password of the BMC.
read -s
is used in order to prevent the password from being echoed to the screen or saved in the shell history.
read -r -s -p "BMC root password: " IPMI_PASSWORD
) Power off the node.
ipmitool -I lanplus -U root -E -H "${BMC}" chassis power off
) Verify that the node is off.
ipmitool -I lanplus -U root -E -H "${BMC}" chassis power status
Ensure that the power is reporting as off. This may take 5-10 seconds for this to update. Wait about 30 seconds after receiving the correct power status before proceeding.
Proceed to Remove NCN Data or return to the main Add, Remove, Replace, or Move NCNs page.