Enable IPMI access on HPE iLO BMCs

New HPE nodes ship with with IPMI access disabled by default. In order for CSM to fully manage HPE nodes, IPMI access must be enabled on HPE node BMCs.


  • The BMC or CMC is accessible over the network via hostname or IP address.


  1. (ncn#) Set up an environment variable with the hostname or IP address of the BMC where IPMI needs to be enabled. If coming from the Add Worker, Storage, or Master NCNs procedure, then the IP address should already be stored in the BMC_IP environment variable.

    • Hostname:

    • IP address:

  2. (ncn#) Check to see if IPMI is enabled.

    read -s is used to read the password in order to prevent it from being echoed to the screen or saved in the shell history. Note that the subsequent curl commands will do both of these things. If this is not desired, the call should be made in another way.

    read -s ROOT_PASSWORD
    export ROOT_PASSWORD
    curl -k -u "root:${ROOT_PASSWORD}" "https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol" | jq .IPMI

    Expected output showing that IPMI is enabled. If this is observed, then no further action is required to enable IPMI access; skip the rest of the procedure.

        "Port": 623,
        "ProtocolEnabled": true

    If the following is observed, then this indicates that IPMI access is not configured. Continue this procedure to enable IPMI access.

        "Port": 623,
        "ProtocolEnabled": false
  3. If IPMI is disabled, then enable IPMI.

    1. (ncn#) Enable IPMI access.

      curl -k -u "root:${ROOT_PASSWORD}" -X PATCH \
          -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
          -d '{"IPMI": {"Port": 623, "ProtocolEnabled": true}}' \
          "https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol" | jq

      Expected output:

        "error": {
          "code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
          "message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information.",
          "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
              "MessageId": "iLO.2.14.ResetRequired"
    2. (ncn#) Restart the BMC.

      curl -k -u "root:${ROOT_PASSWORD}" -X POST \
          -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
          -d '{"ResetType": "GracefulRestart"}' \
          "https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Managers/1/Actions/Manager.Reset" | jq

      Expected output:

        "error": {
          "code": "iLO.0.10.ExtendedInfo",
          "message": "See @Message.ExtendedInfo for more information.",
          "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
              "MessageId": "iLO.2.14.ResetInProgress"
    3. Wait for the BMC to restart. This may take a couple of minutes.

    4. (ncn#) Verify that IPMI is enabled.

      curl -k -u "root:${ROOT_PASSWORD}" "https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol" | jq .IPMI

      Expected output showing that IPMI is enabled:

        "Port": 623,
        "ProtocolEnabled": false