The Embedded Repository

The “embedded repo” is the complete set of packages installed on the Kubernetes and Storage Ceph NCN images, as well as the packages found on the PIT ISO. The list of installed packages in these images is queried when building each CSM release tarball, and a repo is created from that list and included in the CSM release tarball. This procedure describes how to manually install the “embedded repo” into Nexus.

Manually import the Embedded Repository into Nexus


  1. The CSM_RELEASE version is required and will be provided as the 1st parameter to the import script. Example: CSM_RELEASE="1.3.1"

  2. It is necessary to have an extracted copy of the CSM release tarball available at a known path in order to proceed. This path will be provided as the 2nd parameter to the import script. Example: PATH_TO_ROOT_OF_EXTRACTED_CSM_TARBALL_CONTENT="/mnt/pitdata/csm-1.3.1"

Run the following command on a master node:


/usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/nexus/ $CSM_RELEASE $PATH_TO_ROOT_OF_EXTRACTED_CSM_TARBALL_CONTENT

On the success, the above command will report:

+ Nexus setup complete OK

Using the Embedded Repo

In order to access the packages in the embedded repo, it is necessary to add the repository to zypper on each of the NCNs it will be accessed from.


zypper ar https://packages.local/repository/csm-${CSM_RELEASE}-embedded csm-embedded

Using the Embedded Repo for NCN image customization and node personalization

In order to make the embedded repo available during NCN image customization and node personalization the csm-config-management repository in Gitea needs a modification.


  1. Clone the csm-config-management repository

    VCS_USER=$(kubectl get secret -n services vcs-user-credentials --template={{.data.vcs_username}} | base64 --decode)
    VCS_PASS=$(kubectl get secret -n services vcs-user-credentials --template={{.data.vcs_password}} | base64 --decode)
    git clone "https://${VCS_USER}:${VCS_PASS}@api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/csm-config-management.git"
  2. Add the following lines to the vars/csm_repos.yml file in the csm-config-management repository:

    - name: csm-embedded
      description: "CSM Embedded NCN Packages (added by Ansible)"
      repo: https://packages.local/repository/csm-embedded
  3. Commit and push the change.