Change Air-Cooled Node BMC Credentials Using SAT

This procedure describes how to use the System Admin Toolkit’s (SAT) sat bmccreds command to set a global credential for all BMCs on air-cooled nodes.

For more information including alternate methods of using sat bmccreds, see: Set BMC Credentials Using SAT, or the sat-bmccreds(8) man page by running sat-man bmccreds.


All air-cooled and liquid-cooled BMCs share the same global credentials. The air-cooled Slingshot switch controllers (Router BMCs) must have the same credentials as the liquid-cooled Slingshot switch controllers.

The sat bmccreds command is only able to target specific Node BMCs by their component name (xname). To target just the air-cooled node BMCs, a list of their xnames must be passed into the command.


SAT is installed and configured.


  1. (ncn-m#) Get the xnames for all air-cooled nodes.

    The following operation will store the xnames in a variable named RIVER_NODEBMC_XNAMES.

    RIVER_NODEBMC_XNAMES=$(cray hsm state components list --class River --type NodeBMC \
        --format json | jq -r '[.Components[] | .ID ]| join(",")')
  2. (ncn-m#) Set the same random password for every BMC on an air-cooled node.

    The command will generate a single random string and apply it to every node BMC in the system.

    sat bmccreds --xnames $RIVER_NODEBMC_XNAMES --random-password --pw-domain system
  3. (Optional) View the generated password in Vault. The sat bmccreds command will not print the generated random password, so it is necessary to view it in Vault.

    1. (ncn-m#) Set the Vault alias, if it is not already set.

      VAULT_PASSWD=$(kubectl -n vault get secrets cray-vault-unseal-keys -o json | jq -r '.data["vault-root"]' |  base64 -d)
      alias vault='kubectl -n vault exec -i cray-vault-0 -c vault -- env VAULT_TOKEN="$VAULT_PASSWD" VAULT_ADDR= VAULT_FORMAT=json vault'
    2. (ncn-m#) View the password for a node BMC, for example by using the RIVER_NODEBMC_XNAMES environment variable.

      vault kv get secret/hms-creds/<XNAME>