This procedure describes how to use the System Admin Toolkit’s (SAT) sat bmccreds
command to set a global credential for all BMCs on air-cooled nodes.
For more information including alternate methods of using sat bmccreds
, see: Set BMC Credentials Using SAT,
or the sat-bmccreds(8)
man page by running sat-man bmccreds
All air-cooled and liquid-cooled BMCs share the same global credentials. The air-cooled Slingshot switch controllers (Router BMCs) must have the same credentials as the liquid-cooled Slingshot switch controllers.
The sat bmccreds
command is only able to target specific Node BMCs by their component name (xname). To target just the air-cooled node BMCs, a list of their xnames must be passed into the command.
SAT is installed and configured.
) Get the xnames for all air-cooled nodes.
The following operation will store the xnames in a variable named RIVER_NODEBMC_XNAMES
RIVER_NODEBMC_XNAMES=$(cray hsm state components list --class River --type NodeBMC \
--format json | jq -r '[.Components[] | .ID ]| join(",")')
) Set the same random password for every BMC on an air-cooled node.
The command will generate a single random string and apply it to every node BMC in the system.
sat bmccreds --xnames $RIVER_NODEBMC_XNAMES --random-password --pw-domain system
(Optional) View the generated password in Vault. The sat bmccreds
command will not print the generated
random password, so it is necessary to view it in Vault.
) Set the Vault alias, if it is not already set.
VAULT_PASSWD=$(kubectl -n vault get secrets cray-vault-unseal-keys -o json | jq -r '.data["vault-root"]' | base64 -d)
alias vault='kubectl -n vault exec -i cray-vault-0 -c vault -- env VAULT_TOKEN="$VAULT_PASSWD" VAULT_ADDR= VAULT_FORMAT=json vault'
) View the password for a node BMC, for example by using the RIVER_NODEBMC_XNAMES
vault kv get secret/hms-creds/<XNAME>