Remove a group in the Keycloak Shasta realm. Unused Keycloak groups can be removed.
This procedure assumes that the password for the Keycloak admin
account is known. The Keycloak password is set during the software installation process.
) The password can be obtained using the following command:
kubectl get secret -n services keycloak-master-admin-auth --template={{.data.password}} | base64 --decode
Open the Keycloak user management interface.
See Access the Keycloak User Management UI for more information.
Click the Groups
text in the Manage
section in the navigation area on the left side of the screen.
Search for the group and select the group in the groups table.
Click the Delete
button at the top of the table.
Once the groups are removed from Keycloak, follow the instructions in Re-Sync Keycloak Users to Compute Nodes to update the groups on the compute nodes.