Alternate Storage Pools


Creating, maintaining, and removing Ceph storage pools.

Use cases

  • A landing space for the CSM tarball used for upgrades.
  • Temporary space needed for maintenance or pre/post upgrade activities.

Best practices

  • Apply a proper quota to any pools created.
    • This will use storage from the default crush rule which is utilizing every OSD.
    • Improper use of this procedure can have a negative impact on the cluster and space available to running services.
      • Failure to set a quota and not policing space usage can result in the Ceph cluster going into read-only mode.
        • This will cause running services to crash if the space issue is not resolved quickly.
  • Cleanup after the criteria for the pool creation has been met.
    • This can be as simple as removing volumes but leaving the pool for future use.


This example shows the creation and mounting of an rbd device on ncn-m001.

NOTE: The commands to create and delete pools or rbd devices must be run from a master node or one of the first three storage nodes (ncn-s001, ncn-s002, or ncn-s003).

Create a storage pool

The below example will create a storage pool name csm-release. The pool name can be changed to better reflect any use cases outside of support for upgrades. The 3 3 arguments can be left unchanged. For more information on their meaning and possible alternative values, see the Ceph product documentation.

  1. (ncn-ms#) Create the storage pool.

    ceph osd pool create csm-release 3 3


    pool 'csm-release' created
  2. (ncn-ms#) Enable rbd on the new pool.

    ceph osd pool application enable csm-release rbd

    Example output:

    enabled application 'rbd' on pool 'csm-release'
  3. (ncn-ms#) Set a quota on the new pool.

    ceph osd pool set-quota csm-release max_bytes 500G

    Example output:

    set-quota max_bytes = 536870912000 for pool csm-release
  4. (ncn-ms#) View the quotas on the new pool.

    ceph osd pool get-quota csm-release

    Example output:

    quotas for pool 'csm-release':
      max objects: N/A
      max bytes  : 500 GiB  (current num bytes: 0 bytes)


  • The above example sets the quota to 500 GiB.
    • If this pool is fully utilized it will be using 1.5 TiB of raw space.
    • This space counts against the total space provided by the cluster; Use cautiously.
    • If this pool or any pool reaches 95-100% utilization, then all volumes for the fully utilized pool will go into read-only mode.

Create and map an rbd device


  • Creating an rbd device requires proper access and must be run from a master node or one of the first three storage nodes (ncn-s001, ncn-s002, or ncn-s003).
  • Mounting a device will occur on the node where the storage needs to be present.
  1. (ncn-ms#) Create the rbd device.

    rbd create -p csm-release release_version --size 100G

    This command gives no output when successful.

  2. (ncn-ms#) Map the device.

    rbd map -p csm-release release_version

    Example output:

  3. (ncn-ms#) Show mapped rbd devices.

    rbd showmapped

    Example output:

    id  pool         namespace  image            snap  device
    0   csm-release             release_version  -     /dev/rbd0


  • Master nodes normally do not have rbd devices mapped via Ceph provisioner.
    • If mapping to a worker node where there are mapped PVCs, then ensure the proper rbd device is being captured for the following steps.
    • Failure to do this most likely will result in data corruption or loss.

Mount an rbd device

  1. (ncn#) Format the device with a file system.

    mkfs.ext4 /dev/rbd0

    Example output:

    mke2fs 1.43.8 (1-Jan-2018)
    Discarding device blocks: done
    Creating filesystem with 26214400 4k blocks and 6553600 inodes
    Filesystem UUID: d5fe6df4-a0ab-49bc-8d49-9cc62700915d
    Superblock backups stored on blocks:
     32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208,
     4096000, 7962624, 11239424, 20480000, 23887872
    Allocating group tables: done
    Writing inode tables: done
    Creating journal (131072 blocks): done
    Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: mkdir done
  2. (ncn#) Create a directory for the mount point.

    mkdir -pv /etc/cray/csm/csm-release

    The output from this command will vary depending on whether or not the directory already exists. Example output:

    mkdir: created directory '/etc/cray/csm'
    mkdir: created directory '/etc/cray/csm/csm-release'
  3. (ncn#) Mount the rbd device.

    mount /dev/rbd0 /etc/cray/csm/csm-release/

    This command gives no output when successful.

  4. (ncn#) Validate the mount.

    mountpoint /etc/cray/csm/csm-release/

    Example output:

    /etc/cray/csm/csm-release/ is a mountpoint

Move an rbd device to another node

  1. (ncn#) Unmap the device on the node where it is currently mapped.

    1. Unmount the rbd device.

      umount /etc/cray/csm/csm-release
    2. Unmap the rbd device.

      rbd unmap  -p csm-release release_version
    3. Show the rbd mappings to verify that it has been removed.

      rbd showmapped

      NOTE: There should be no output from the above unless other rbd devices are mapped on the node.

  2. (ncn#) Map and mount the device on the destination node ((that is, the node where the rbd device is being remapped to).

    1. Map the rbd device.

      rbd map -p csm-release release_version

      Example output:

    2. Show the rbd mappings.

      rbd showmapped

      Example output:

      id  pool         namespace  image            snap  device
      0   csm-release             release_version  -     /dev/rbd0
    3. Create the mount point directory, if it does not already exist.

      mkdir -pv /etc/cray/csm/csm-release 

      The output from this command will vary depending on whether or not the directory already exists.

    4. Mount the rbd device over the mount point.

      mount /dev/rbd0 /etc/cray/csm/csm-release

      This command gives no output when successful.

    5. Validate the mount.

      mountpoint /etc/cray/csm/csm-release/

      Example output:

      /etc/cray/csm/csm-release/ is a mountpoint

Unmount, unmap, and delete an rbd device

  1. (ncn#) Unmount the rbd device.

    umount /etc/cray/csm/csm-release
  2. (ncn#) Unmap the rbd device.

    rbd unmap  -p csm-release release_version
  3. (ncn#) Show the rbd mappings to verify that it has been removed.

    rbd showmapped

    NOTE: There should be no output from the above unless other rbd devices are mapped on the node.

  4. (ncn#) Remove the rbd device.

    rbd remove csm-release/release_version


    Removing image: 100% complete...done.

Remove a storage pool

CRITICAL NOTE: This will permanently delete data.

  1. (ncn-ms#) Check to see if the cluster is allowing pool deletion.

    ceph config get mon mon_allow_pool_delete

    Example output:


    If the above command shows false, then enable it using the following command:

    ceph config set mon mon_allow_pool_delete true
  2. (ncn-sm#) Remove the pool.

    ceph osd pool rm csm-release csm-release --yes-i-really-really-mean-it

    Example output:

    pool 'csm-release' removed