HSM Discovery StoreFailed Error

This problem occurs when hardware exists in a system across multiple BMCs that have bogus non-empty values for serial numbers and those BMCs are being discovered at the same time. This causes the same non-unique FRUID to be generated for that hardware. Concurrent discovery of theses BMCs causes database deadlocks to occur and causes HSM discovery for most of those BMCs to fail with StoreFailed.

Known Causes

One of the known types of hardware to cause this is Castle nodes with HBM. In this case, a non-unique FRUID is generated because the empty DIMM slots do not include the redfish Status field showing it is Absent and the SerialNumber field shows up as a non-empty string, “NO DIMM”. Because it isn’t reporting Absent, HSM thinks it is populated and creates a FRU entry for it. Because the SerialNumber redfish field is non-empty, HSM creates a FRUID for the FRU entry where HSM would have otherwise just created a unique bogus FRUID. The FRUID that gets created for all empty DIMM slots end up being the same, Memory.Unknown.NODIMM.NODIMM.


Wait For it to Clear Up

This issue will clear itself up after a while if left alone if the hms-discovery cron job is enabled.

The discovery cron job will periodically run and restart HMS discovery on any BMCs that previously failed. When running concurrent discoveries on the problem BMCs, some of them will succeed while the others will experience a database deadlock and fail again with StoreFailed. So eventually, all BMCs will get successfully discovered.

The amount of time it will take to clear itself up is very difficult to estimate and depends heavily on the number of BMCs with the same troublesome hardware. It also depends on the varying speeds of discovery calls to the hardware and if HSM will reach the storage stage of discovery for multiple BMCs at around the same time. It could take anywhere from 5 mins to 20+ hours to fully clear itself up.

Manually Re-discover

To potentially speed up the process, you can manually re-discover the BMCs. To do this:

  1. Suspend the hms-discovery cron job to prevent it from automatically rediscovering.

    kubectl -n services patch cronjobs hms-discovery \
    -p '{"spec" : {"suspend" : true }}'
  2. Verify that the hms-discovery cron job has stopped (ACTIVE column = 0).

    kubectl get cronjobs -n services hms-discovery

    Example output:

    hms-discovery */3 * * * * True 0 117s 15d
  3. Get a list of BMCs that failed discovery with StoreFailed.

    export CRAY_FORMAT=json
    BMCLIST=$(cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --laststatus StoreFailed | jq .RedfishEndpoints[].ID -r | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/.$//')
  4. Kick off re-discovery.

    cray hsm inventory discover create --xnames $BMCLIST
  5. Wait for discovery to finish. The following command will return 0 when discovery is finished.

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --laststatus DiscoveryStarted | grep -c LastDiscoveryStatus
  6. Check to see if there are still BMCs that failed discovery with StoreFailed. There should be fewer than before.

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --laststatus StoreFailed | grep -c LastDiscoveryStatus
  7. If there are still some BMCs with StoreFailed, repeat steps 3-6 until there are none.

  8. Restart the hms-discovery cron job

    kubectl -n services patch cronjobs hms-discovery -p '{"spec" : {"suspend" : false }}'
  9. Verify that the hms-discovery cron job has restarted (ACTIVE column = 1).

    kubectl get cronjobs.batch -n services hms-discovery

    Example output:

    hms-discovery */3 * * * * False 1 41s 33d

Patch SMD

This patch is only for cases involving Castle nodes with HBM.

There is a patched SMD container image available in artifactory for CSM releases 1.3.2 and on. For CSM 1.3 it is cray-smd:1.58.3. For later CSM versions, cray-smd:2.7.0. For this example, we will use cray-smd:1.58.3. This example assumes you have the patched container image in tarball form in at /tmp/cray-smd_1.58.3.tar.

  1. Get Nexus credentials.

    export NEXUS_USERNAME="$(kubectl -n nexus get secret nexus-admin-credential --template {{.data.username}} | base64 -d)"
    export NEXUS_PASSWORD="$(kubectl -n nexus get secret nexus-admin-credential --template {{.data.password}} | base64 -d)"
  2. Load the tarball image.

    podman load -i /tmp/cray-smd_1.58.3.tar
  3. Push the image to Nexus.

    podman push --creds $NEXUS_USERNAME:$NEXUS_PASSWORD localhost/cray-smd:1.58.3 docker://registry.local/artifactory.algol60.net/csm-docker/stable/cray-smd:1.58.3
  4. Modify the image being used by the cray-smd deployment.

    kubectl edit deployments -n services cray-smd

    Change the image to:

    image: registry.local/artifactory.algol60.net/csm-docker/stable/cray-smd:1.58.3
  5. Wait for the SMD pods to restart.

    watch "kubectl get pods -n services | grep smd"
  6. Re-discover the failed BMCs.

    export CRAY_FORMAT=json
    BMCLIST=$(cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --laststatus StoreFailed | jq .RedfishEndpoints[].ID -r | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/.$//')
    cray hsm inventory discover create --xnames $BMCLIST
  7. Wait for discovery to finish. The following command will return 0 when discovery is finished.

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --laststatus DiscoveryStarted | grep -c LastDiscoveryStatus
  8. Verify discovery completed without BMCs failing with StoreFailed. The following command should return 0.

    cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --laststatus StoreFailed | grep -c LastDiscoveryStatus