#Wait_for_unbound or cray-dns-unbound-manager hangs

  • Run the following command:

    kubectl get jobs -n services | grep cray-dns-unbound-manager
    services            cray-dns-unbound-manager-1635352560                  0/1           26h        26h
    services            cray-dns-unbound-manager-1635448680                  1/1           35s        8m37s
    services            cray-dns-unbound-manager-1635448860                  1/1           51s        5m36s
    services            cray-dns-unbound-manager-1635449040                  1/1           61s        2m35s
  • If you see one of the jobs show 0/1 for more than 10 minutes and there are other runs with 1/1. That means that job is hung. You can delete the job with:

    kubectl delete jobs -n services $job_with_0/1
  • Alternative is copy and paste following code block:

    unbound_manager_jobs=$(kubectl get jobs -n services |awk '{ print $1 }'|grep unbound-manager)
    for job in $unbound_manager_jobs; do
        job_entry=$(kubectl get jobs -n services $job|sed 1d)
            echo $job_entry
        job_id=$(echo $job_entry| awk '{ print $1 }')
            echo $job_id
            job_status=$(echo $job_entry| awk '{ print $2 }')
            echo $job_status
    	if [[ "$job_status" -eq "0/1" ]];then
            echo "deleting stale job"
    		kubectl delete jobs -n services $job_id
            echo "kubectl delete jobs -n services $job_id"